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He early distill': guished himself in the learning of traditions by heart, and when, in his sixteenth year, his family made the pilgrimage to Mecca, he gathered additions to his store from the authorities along the route. About the year 1040 or a little earlier, one of their chiefs, Yahya ibn Ibrahim, made the pilgrimage to Mecca. 53 seq. Such were beyond all doubt the patricians of Mecca, and after them those of Taif, people like Khalid b. The fact that scraps of poetical phraseology are specially numerous in the earlier suras, enables us to understand why the prosaic mercantile community of Mecca regarded their eccentric townsman as a " poet," or even a possessed poet.". The combined body of the Faithful will take Mecca, and finally Jerusalem, and all the world will accept the Faith. Find more ways to say mecca, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. The only ports of importance are Yambu and Jidda, which serve respectively Medina and Mecca; they depend entirely on the pilgrim traffic to the holy cities, without which they could not exist. The earliest mosque erected was that at Mecca, which consisted of a great court, in the centre of which was the Ka`ba or Holy Stone. Best Wig Outlet: This is the mecca of discount wigs, featuring roughly 5,000 selections of full head models, extensions, top and 3/4 pieces, hair weaving, toupees -- pretty much all you could want created out of hair. He made the same promise nine years ago, during the siege of the Grand Mosque at, 2. About 250,000 passengers (including some 40,000 pilgrims to Mecca) pass through the canal in a year (see further SUEZ). hajj example sentences. At the present day male and female pilgrims at Mecca wear such a cloth (the ihram); it covers the knees and one end of it may be cast over the shoulder. Every one who takes up the book in the proper religious frame of mind, like most of the Moslems, reads pieces directed against long-obsolete absurd customs of Mecca just as devoutly as the weightiest moral precepts - perhaps even more devoutly, because he does not understand them so well. After local objections when its name changed to Mecca Bingo, it finally closed in 1999 and became a church. … Sentence with the word Mecca A mecca is a place that attracts people: Hollywood is a mecca for would-be actors and actresses. 'Amr, who 1 Formerly the capital of the homonymous province of Syria; it lies a day's march west from Haleb (Aleppo). A more local `Alyite revolt in Mecca and Medina was crushed in 785. The Mahommedan Era, Or Era Of The Hegira, Used In Turkey, Persia, Arabia, &C., Is Dated From The First Day Of The Month Preceding The Flight Of Mahomet From Mecca To Medina, I.E. The following towns have over 50,000 inhabitants each: Constantinople, 1,150,000; Smyrna, 250,000; Bagdad, 145,000; Damascus, 145,000; Aleppo, 122,000; Beirut, 118,000; Adrianople, 81,000; Brusa, 76,000; Jerusalem, 56,000; Caesarea Mazaca (Kaisarieh), 72,000; Kerbela, 65,000; Monastir, 53,000; Mosul, 61,000; Mecca, 60,000; Homs, 60,000; Sana, 58,000; Urfa, 55,000; and Marash, 52,000. On the 8th of Dhu'l-Hijja Hosain set out from Mecca with all his family, expecting to be received with enthusiasm by the citizens of Kuf a, but on his arrival at Kerbela west of the Euphrates, he was confronted by an army sent by Obaidallah under the command of Omar, son of the famous Sa`d b. Omar had likewise abstained, but they had left Medina for Mecca. The capture of Mecca (630) was not only an evidence of his growing power, which induced Arabs throughout the peninsula to join him, but gave him a valuable centre of pilgrimage, in which he was able by a politic adoption of some of the heathen Arabian ceremonies into his own rites to win men over the more easily to his own cause. The Arabic historians are largely occupied with fabulous matter as to Mecca before Islam; for these legends the reader may refer to C. de Perceval's Essai. The birthplace of Muhammad, and thus the holiest city for Muslims. Mecca in a sentence (esp. The famous expedition of Abraha, the Abyssinian viceroy, against Mecca, took place in 570. In g06 the court at Bagdad learned that these sectaries had gained almost all Yemen and were threatening Mecca and Medina. Sentences Menu. The shrines ShInt~ of Ise, which may be called the Mecca of Shinto Architecdevotees, are believed to present to-day precisely the lure. The shrine was an object of pilgrimage. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: n. 1. joint capital (with Riyadh) of Saudi Arabia; located in western Saudi Arabia; as the birthplace of Muhammad it is the holiest city of Islam 2. a place that attracts many visitors. The methods of binding the pagri are innumerable, each method having a distinctive name as arabi (Arab fashion); mansabi (official fashion, much used in the Deccan); mushakhi (sheik fashion); chakridar (worn by hadjis, that is those who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca); khirki-dar (a fashion of piling the cloth high, adopted by retainers of great men); latudar (top-shaped, worn by kayasths or writers); joridar (the cloth twisted into rope shape) (Plate I. Glasgow is fast becoming Britain's undisputed, 20. Advertised as an "interracial Mecca," Salt and Pepper Singles has a host of services for their users. He had a green turban upon his head, which marked him as a Mecca pilgrim. Similarly the Jewish synagogues have each their eternal lamp; while in the religion of Islam lighted lamps mark things and places specially holy; thus the Ka`ba at Mecca is illuminated by thousands of lamps hanging from the gold and silver rods that connect the columns of the surrounding colonnade. Information and translations of mecca in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. 0. 960 they established a sort of kingdom with Mecca as capital. After exploring Persia, and again residing for some time at Mecca, he made a voyage down the Red sea to Yemen, and travelled through that country to Aden. 3. 1 people chose this as the best definition of mecca: Mecca is defined as a cit... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. It should be noted that these discussions come in suras revealed in Mecca which mainly dealt with the basic fundamentals of faith. This entire sura is generally regarded as one of the earliest after Muhammad emigrated from Mecca to Medina in AD 622. venerated islamic site - the third most important after Mecca and Medina - the Hala Sultan Tekke. The governors of Medina and Mecca were dismissed; Mahommed b. Having secured his chair for his brother he went to Damascus, Jerusalem, Hebron, Mecca, Medina and Alexandria, studying, meditating and writing in these cities. Be- sides, it is a priori unlikely that a contemporary of Mahomet should have drawn up such a list; and if any one had made the attempt he would have found it almost impossible to obtain reliable information as to the order of the earlier … The first of the series of fairs in which the Meccans had an interest was at Okaz on the easier road between Mecca and Taif, where there was also a sanctuary, and from it the visitors moved on to points still nearer Mecca (Majanna, and finally Dhul-Majaz, on the flank of Jebel Kabkab behind Arafa) where further fairs were held, 3 culminating in the special religious ceremonies of the great feast at `Arafa, Quzah (Mozdalifa), and Mecca itself. This prolific writer, having performed the pilgrimage to Mecca, devoted himself to a stern ascetic life, and to the composition of Sufic works, partly in prose, as in his valuable Biography of Eminent Mystic Divines, but mostly in the form of mathnawis (upwards of twenty in number), among which the Pandndma, or Book of Counsels, and the Mantili-uf (air, ox the Speeches of Birds, occupy the first rank. Abi Arta made his expedition against Medina and Mecca, whose inhabitants were compelled to acknowledge the caliphate of Moawiya. Lily Dale, largely by chance, evolved into its Mecca. Bluefly: Count on finding some incredible deals at this online mecca of designer deals. Before Kamils death he was mentioned in public prayer at Mecca as lord of Mecca (Hejaz), Yemen, ZabId, Upper and Lower Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia. He deposed and exiled the sharif of Mecca, and after the death of the Wahhabi leader Saud II. 1 people chose this as the best definition of mecca: Mecca is defined as a cit... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Another showed the sun setting on Mecca, with its Kaaba (the big black box focus of pilgrim worship), in real time. From Mecca Mandi went to Medina, where he caused the mosque to be enlarged, and where a similar distribution of gifts took place. Mecca, Medina and Yemen also were mastered by the Alids, who committed all kinds of atrocities and sacrilege. Everything from elegant evening wear, to swimsuits, to jewelry can be found at this Mecca of shopping store giants. After visiting other parts of the gulf he crossed the breadth of Arabia to Mecca, making the haj for the third time. Examples of Mecca in a sentence. mecca means : [ 'mekə ] n.1.麦加〔沙特阿拉伯,希贾兹首府〕。2.〔常作…. 'Makkah the Noble') and commonly shortened to Makkah, is the holiest city in Islam … 1045-1052) Nasir visited Mecca four times, and performed all the rites and observances of a zealous pilgrim; but he was far more attracted by Cairo, the capital of Egypt, and the residence of the Fatimite sultan Mostansir billah, the great champion of the Shia, and the spiritual as well as political head of the house of `Ali, which was just then waging a deadly war against the 'Abbaside caliph of Bagdad, and the great defender of the Sunnite creed, Toghrul Beg the Seljuk. Hajj definition is - the pilgrimage to Mecca prescribed as a religious duty for Muslims. They preach exactly like could read and write has been much debated him, they have to bring the very same charges against their opponents, who on their part behave exactly as the unbelieving inhabitants of Mecca. His original intention had been after visiting Mecca to find his way across the peninsula to Oman, but the time at his disposal (as an Indian officer on leave) was insufficient for so extended a journey; and his further contributions to Arabian geography were not made until twenty-five years later, when he was deputed by the Egyptian government to examine the reported gold deposits of Midian. Pilgrimages to Mecca were not tied to a single time, but they were naturally associated with festive occasions, and especially with the great annual feast and market. used to be the Mecca of golf. In the northern part of Arabia the crystalline rocks form a broad area extending from the peninsula of Sinai eastwards to Hail and southwards at least as far as Mecca. and Irak, the pilgrims who reach Medina from Yanbu and go on to Mecca, and those from all parts of the peninsula. Among the revelations put forth in Mecca there is a considerable number of (for the most part) short suras, which strike every attentive reader as being the oldest. In the country under his dominion the khalifa's government was carried on after the manner of other Mahommedan states, but pilgrimages to the Mandi's tomb at Omdurman were substituted for pilgrimages to Mecca. - The conquest of Mecca had been of the greatest importance to the Prophet, not only because Islam thus obtained possession of this important city with its famous sanctuary, but above all because his late adversaries were at last compelled to acknowledge him as the Envoy of God. the Amir ul-haj, " commander of the pilgrimage" (to Mecca). At Mecca there was no action, and it surrendered by a compromise. meccan example sentences. After the visit of the Sultan Bibars (1269) Mecca was governed by an amir dependent on Egypt. He was on his annual pilgrimage to Mecca when he fell ill. 3. Thus in 966 the name of the caliph Moti was banished from the prayers at Mecca, and an `Alyite took possession of the government of the city and recognized the Egyptian caliph as his master. Alright, so Doncaster is nobody's idea of a cultural Mecca, but there's a lot of cool stuff out there. The first explorer to enter the sacred Hejaz with a definite scientific object was the Spaniard, Badia y aeblich, who, under the name of Ali Bey and claiming to be the last representative of the Abbasid Caliphs, arrived at Jidda in 1807, and performed the pilgrimage to Mecca. Mecca is, however, officially the capital of a Turkish province, and has a governor-general and a Turkish garrison, while Mahommedan law is administered by a judge sent from Constantinople. Hot Topic has long been celebrated as the Mecca of emo. Sentence with the word Meccan. The plan is of the normal type, with a great court in the centre, a prayer chamber four aisles deep on the Mecca side (south-east), and a double aisle on the other three sides. What is the definition of Mecca? Mecca is the name of a city in western Saudi Arabia. a center/place that attracts people . Mecca used in sentence example & words in English. Mecca is the name of a city in western Saudi Arabia. from Mecca, and perished in the combat with many other Alids. mecca in a sentence - 18 Lists. It leads through the straggling village of Mina, occupying a long narrow valley (Wadi Mina), two to three hours from Mecca, and thence by the mosque of Mozdalifa over a narrow pass opening out into the plain of Arafa,which is an expansion of the great Wadi Naman,through which the Taif road descends from Mount Kara. 139+5 sentence examples: 1. He next took Jidda and Mecca, defeating the Wahhabis beyond the latter place and capturing their general. Most Muslims try to make a pilgrimage/go on a pilgrimage to, 23. His love of travel led him in his old age to visit different parts of Armenia and Asia Minor, and he was setting out on a pilgrimage to Mecca when he died at Bagdad in 1231. Translations of the phrase IN MECCA from english to czech and examples of the use of "IN MECCA" in a sentence with their translations: ...Atif Al-Mutaya wasn't just sightseeing in Mecca . In six months the greater part of the Arabian peninsula was subject to All Bey, and he appointed as sherif of Mecca a cousin of his own, who bestowed on All by an official proclamation the titles Sultan of Egypt and Khk~n of the Two Seas. Turkey's Arabian possessions comprise, besides El-Hasa on the Persian Gulf, the low-lying, hot and insalubrious Tehama and the south-western highlands (vilayets of Hejaz and Yemen) stretching continuously along the east side of the Red Sea, and including the two holy cities of Mecca and Medina. The constituents of our present Koran belong partly to the Mecca period 1 (before A.D. I would be most grateful to know whether you think this is a disrespectful use of the word mecca. The troops of Basra had been, since the death of Yazid, at war with the Kharijites, who had supported Ibn Zobair during the siege of Mecca, but had deserted him later. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Mecca in a sentence 31. The emperor not only freely pardoned him, but magnanimously offered him the choice of a high place in the army or a suitable escort for a pilgrimage to Mecca, and Bairam preferred the latter alternative. click for more detailed meaning in English, definition, pronunciation and example sentences for mecca The Amir al-Omara was obliged to purchase from the latter the freedom of the pilgrimage to Mecca, at the price of a disgraceful treaty. In the splendid times of the caliphs immense sums were lavished upon the pilgrimage and the holy city; and conversely the decay of the central authority of Islam brought with it a long period of faction, wars and misery, in which the most notable episode was the sack of Mecca by the Carmathians at the pilgrimage season of A.D. He then (according to his highly fabulous narrative) visited the territory of Issachar, in the mountains of Media and Persia; he also describes the abodes of Zabulon, on the "other side" of the Paran Mountains, extending to Armenia and the Euphrates; of Reuben, on another side of the same mountains; of Ephraim and Half Manasseh, in Arabia, not far from Mecca; and of Simeon and the other Half of Manasseh, in Chorazin, six months' journey from Jerusalem. A . dynasty, transferred the seat of the caliphate from Abdalmali Mecca to Damascus, where it remained till the k,. Definition of Mecca. Medina and subsequently Mecca were eventually taken by the Egyptians, but in spite of continual reinforcements they could do little more than hold their own in Hejaz. It is a Mecca of natural beauty that all families enjoy visiting together. Another foreign element of considerable strength in the coast towns of Muscat, Aden and Jidda, is the British Indian trading class; many families of Indian origin also have settled at Mecca, having originally come as pilgrims. Thus in 1330 Ibn Batuta found a son of the amir of Mecca reigning in Suakin over the Beja, who were his mother's kin. 98+4 sentence examples: 1. But, to avenge their defeat, they lay in wait for the great pilgrim caravan on its return from Mecca in the first days of 294 (906), and massacred 20,000 pilgrims, making an immense booty. The awe-inspiring colors surrounding the courses of the Mackinaw City area, Boyne Country, St. Ives, and Gaylord Golf Mecca are second to none. This was undertaken in 2901 to connect Damascus with Mecca; in 1906 it was finished as far as Ma'an, and in 1908 the section to Medina was completed. After the burning of the Ka`ba during the siege of Mecca by Hosain b. Eutychius and others pretend that he desired to substitute Jerusalem for Mecca, because Ibn Zobair had occupied the latter place, and thus the pilgrimage to the Ka`ba had become difficult for the Syrians. Paepcke and his wife wanted to build a cultural mecca in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. It was under the name of al-mandi that Mokhtar proclaimed `Ali's son Mahommed as the opponent of the caliph Abdalmalik, and, according to Shahrastani, the doctrine of the mandi, the hidden deliverer who is one day to appear and fill the oppressed world with righteousness, first arose in connexion with a belief that this Mahommed had not died but lived concealed at Mount Radwa, near Mecca, guarded by a lion and a panther. Examples of Mecca in a sen. An entertainment Mecca, Los Angeles attracts wannabe actors and actresses from all around the world. . At all events, long before Mahomet we find Mecca established in the twofold quality of a commercial centre and a privileged holy place, surrounded by an inviolable territory (the Haram), which was not the sanctuary of a single tribe but a place of pilgrimage, where religious observances were associated with a series of annual fairs at different points in the vicinity. In death as in life, the Muslim should face Mecca. The hills east and west of Mecca, which are partly built over and rise several hundred feet above the valley, so enclose the city that the ancient walls only barred the valley at three points, where three gates led into the town. In just a few short years, the state has been transformed from a golfing desert to a virtual golfing Mecca. The party was whisked off on a pilgrimage to, 27. Though still the market of the nomads, the surer and cheaper sea route has almost destroyed the transit trade to which it once owed its wealth, and has even diminished the importance of the annual pilgrim caravan to Mecca. An example sentence would be: She lives right outside of Mecca. The full-service resort features 665 guest rooms and is a Mecca for chocoholics. But, besides this, Mecca was already a place of pilgrimage. This online Mecca of handmade wares is one of the best places to find niche items that are difficult to track down through traditional retail outlets. Enthusiasts and science fiction fans south from Los Angeles, you can find excellent sentences for Mecca 2.〔常作… the and! Use of Mecca in a sentence - use `` the Mecca in a sentence of Taif, people like B... Count on finding some incredible deals at this Mecca of the Wahhabi leader Saud.... Was supreme at Mecca there was no action, and perished in the city... 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