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I studied Metallurgical Engineering and a class in humanities was required. YOU OFTEN SPEAK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF HUMANITIES BEYOND THE WALLS OF HIGHER EDUCATION. A pioneering textual analysis of French political speeches led by Stanford Professor of French Cécile Alduy reveals how Marine Le Pen, leader of France's surging far-right National Front, has made extremism palatable in a land of republican values. Harris: The humanities are crucial to a healthy democracy, just as they also provide opportunities for fulfilled and gainful employment and an enriched life. I welcome your feedback and discussion. So from an old grad, I highly recommend the topic be included in the required classes. Working with an international team, Stanford history Professor Londa Schiebinger has used gender analysis to spark discovery in science and innovation in technology. Harris makes a convincing rational argument, which is effective to those that believe as she does. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). But in the absence of a strong background in the humanities, STEM education alone will leave our society impoverished and ill-prepared for the rapidly changing world ahead. Titled "The Heart of the Matter," the report states: "As we strive to create a more civil public discourse, a more adaptable and creative workforce, and a more secure nation, the humanities … This is only a little off the main course of the subject. At first, reading was simple entertainment, but books quickly became an entry point into entirely unknown worlds of adventure, mystery, fantasy, history, and more. Yet today, with increasing emphasis on the disciplines of science, business, and technology, the value of a humanities education has become a debated topic on campuses, in workplaces, and on the political scene. The Humanities are academic disciplines that seek to appreciate and interpret the human experience, from individuals to entire cultures, engaging in the discover, preservation, and communication of the PAST and PRESENT record to enable a deeper understanding of contemporary society. Harris: Like many, I was fortunate to have parents who read to me when I was very young, and who frequently took me to the local public library when I was a child. Nevertheless, during these tumultuous times their importance is thrown into greater relief. Their efforts preserve the great accomplishments of the past, help us understand the world we live in, and give us tools to imagine the future. The BA graduates who write our news and report on the media clearly do not understand basic differences like confusing the national debt with a balanced annual budget. History, literature, languages, philosophy, and more… these subjects have always occupied a place of central importance at the University of Utah. Harris: The humanities are crucial to a healthy democracy, just as they also provide opportunities for fulfilled and gainful employment and an enriched life. The original culture in this state was one that celebrated the arts. Learning another language might help you gain an appreciation for the similarities in different cultures. The reality is that a BA can mean anything from “a student put in a minimum of effort and passed with D’s and C’s” to “this is a person who is really motivated to learn and apply the information made available to them through their education.” There is only so much teachers can do if students aren’t interested. Ah, the humanities. Why the Digital Humanities Matter Mark Bowles | Professor, American Public University System As more and more information becomes available online, students — especially non-traditional students — should be well-versed in digital humanities. I did read it all. A student who put an effort in will likely work harder in the job place as well; someone who is okay with putting in the minimal effort will probably do the same at work. The humanities are the study of what makes us human, of what it means to be human. Why the humanities matter 1. © Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. One 2017 study found that the fastest-growing jobs in the US in the last 30 years have almost all specifically required a high level of social skills. Dr. Adam L. Tate Chair, Department of Humanities G-210 Arts & Sciences Bldg AdamTate@clayton.edu (678) 466-4809. Your email address will not be published. Comments are moderated, so there may be a slight delay before approved comments are posted. Through exploration of the humanities we learn how to think creatively and critically, to reason, and to ask questions. These trends and ongoing discussions are paramount to those who champion the humanities, including Dianne Harris, a history professor and former dean of the U’s College of Humanities. Anna Hitchings 16 July 2020 0 Reading Time: 3 minutes. It might be going too far to say that studying the humanities makes you happier over the long haul of life, but I do think the humanities give us the tools to seek out enriching and deeply rewarding resources that move us towards fulfilled lives of meaning and purpose. In framing our argument this way, advocates of the arts and humanities are conceding the larger point: that education exists solely to produce hands for industry. I think it’s also important to consider the level of education that comes with a bachelor’s in any topic. Why the Humanities matter. Utah lacrosse blazes a new trail as a Division I program. But I’m also recurringly struck by the ways in which we consistently and necessarily turn to the humanities and arts for answers, for healing, and for resolution in the most difficult and trying of times. While the exact sciences are unrivaled in their ability to reveal objective facts about the universe, they are curiously silent when it … Many claim that it sounded the death knell for history, art, ideology, science, possibly all of Western philosophy, and certainly for the concept of reality itself. We also look to those same humanities and arts disciplines when seeking how best to express joy and to celebrate human achievement. Why the Humanities Matter. WHAT ABOUT THE CONCERNS SOME STUDENTS AND PARENTS HAVE ABOUT THE EARNING POTENTIAL OR JOB PROSPECTS OF STUDENTS WHO STUDY HUMANITIES? I can’t imagine, nor do I wish to do so, a life without the beauty of artfully crafted texts, images, and sounds. Also, my father was a geologist, and he had a profound sense of the earth as an historical document that could be read. Listening to a history course might help you better understand the past, while at the same time offer you a clearer picture of the future. However, the U printed 2” thick book of required reading was interesting. And while she has enjoyed serving as dean and calls Salt Lake City “one of the most welcoming and beautiful cities on earth,” she acknowledges that joining the Mellon Foundation is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to support the humanities in higher education at a time when doing so feels especially urgent. I graduated from the University in history, but wound up in a business career as a real estate appraiser, where an understanding of math as well as the ability to write a coherent sentence was essential. If that is true, then logically all intellectual disciplines should ultimately be judged by the same measures. Reading a book from another region of the world, might help you think about the meaning of democracy. Book Description: Is there life after postmodernism? U medical students visit remote high schools around the state to promote health care as a career. Over the years I have many times recalled something from the material and I must agree that the class influenced my thinking in a positive way. Why the Humanities Matter Today: In Defense of Liberal Education is an attempt to do so by having philosophers, literature and foreign language professors, historians, and political theorists defend the value and explain the worth of their respective disciplines as well as illuminate the importance of liberal education. The Humanities Matter! We lived in a place where it was too hot to play outdoors during much of the day in the summer, so indoor reading kept us occupied and out of trouble for hours at a time. “It provides an opportunity to have a positive impact on the humanities at an unparalleled scale,” she says. We also read in school, of course, but I particularly remember the ways reading fiction became a mainstay of everyday life in the summer. That requires creative thinking, not just problem-solving capabilities. The humanities help us understand others through their languages, histories and cultures. Then there’s the annual hold-your-breath ritual around the question of federal public funding for the National Endowment for the Humanities, which divvies out funds to the 56 state humanities councils across the country, dependent on its largess to produce education programs for college faculty and public programs that enrich personal and civic life. Also available is Kirk Fitzpatrick’s “The Third Era of Education” and Lee Trepanier’s “The Relevance of Political Philosophy and Political Science.” Our review of the book is available here. Arizona State University Humanities Lab Responding to essential questions regarding whether the humanities can remain politically and academically relevant amid this twenty-first-century uncertainty, Why the Humanities Matter offers a guided tour of the modern condition, calling upon thinkers in a variety of disciplines to affirm essential concepts such as truth, goodness, and beauty. I don't believe the problem facing the humanities is hostility. The politicians and corporations telling us that the humanities do not matter are, by no coincidence, the same people who think of us only as workers and consumers, not as citizens or individuals, and who strip away our human rights, one by one. I surely couldn’t have articulated it as such at the time, but the Baker Street branch of the public library in Bakersfield, California, changed my life by making reading—and thus the humanities— essential to my world. They are like a flat tire. Artwork comprises portions of several paintings by Pilar Pobil displayed throughout the U's Humanities Building. It is intended for general readers. What humanities? MATTER! is part of the 4Humanities Humanities Infographics initiative, including Infographics Friday online posts. Sherree Buchanon Administrative Assistant Department of Humanities G-210 Arts & Sciences Bldg SherreeBuchanon@clayton.edu (678) 466-4890 The Humanities are academic disciplines that seek to understand and interpret the human experience, from individuals to entire cultures, engaging in the discovery, preservation, and communication of the past and present record to enable a deeper … They foster social justice and equality. Humanities Matter. However, she does not make a persuasive argument. This year, all Why the Humanities Matter workshops will be held online using the Zoom platform. It pains me to go to the symphony and ballet and see only half the seats filled much of the time. Artists who don’t understand economics do not make good citizens. During one of my many moves, I tossed that text and today, I would like to be able to re-read some of that material. Former NEH chairman on campus March 27-28. The way our society today is increasingly divided I think the premise of knowing the past does influence how we behave today. I thought it was a waste of time and not relevant. This is why employers *should* ask for college transcripts, not just a diploma. The future of our democracy depends on a citizenry that deeply understands its past; that communicates clearly and effectively; that is able to read texts with care and discernment so that fact can be sorted from fiction; that understands ethics and the underpinnings of logic and what is at stake in the leading of an ethical life; that understands how to frame a clear and compelling argument based in rigorously produced research; that embraces the rich mosaic of difference in all its forms and understands that our differences are what make us great; that is multilingual and values diverse modes of communication. Every road trip with my father turned into some sort of teachable moment that wove together the history of the earth with the history of the people living on the planet. The persuasive argument that LM Jennings feels is missing here might be more of an indicator of how in late era American capitalism, there is only one civilizing force: the market. A person cannot be well rounded without a basic knowledge of math to include statistics and the basic ideas of Calculus. Investigating a branch of philosophy might get you thinking about ethical questions. Why the Humanities Matter Today: In Defense of Liberal Education is an attempt to do so by having philosophers, literature and foreign language professors, historians, and political theorists defend the value and explain the worth of their respective disciplines as well … I was TA to a few students who put taking their Gen Ed history class off until the final semester of their Bachelor’s program, who lacked a basic grasp of reasoning. Research into the human experience adds to our knowledge about our world. I have always loved the humanities. This is from Why the Humanities Matter: In Defense of Liberal Education. Their efforts preserve the great accomplishments of the past, help us understand the world we live in, and give us tools to imagine the future. But just as important, we also know from that data that humanities degree holders have among the highest rates of lifelong job satisfaction and fulfillment because they are pursuing meaningful work and enriching their lives—and the lives of others—by using the skills they acquired through their humanities majors. THE HUMANITIES are about what it is to be human. 4Humanities invites additional statistics (including from more parts of the world) so that it can expand the infographics initiative and, funds allowing, produce future versions. The journalist you are citing may have a degree, but that doesn’t mean they cared about learning or even remember much of what they were taught. In short, the study of the humanities pushes physicians to reflect on the proper use of medical knowledge, reflections which are vital when trying to avoid awful moral compromises that other physicians have made in the past. We hardly find the government’s policy and agenda to build a university exclusively for humanities. Shame on you!! Contemplating a sculpture might make you think about how an artist's life affected her creative decisions. Humanities Why are the Humanities Important? In the wake of national trauma, we look to the poets and writers, to artists, historians, musicians, and philosophers… to help us ease the pain.”. Copyright Complaints, Stanford scholar unpacks the rhetoric behind extremist politician's mainstream success, Stanford historian explores how gender analysis leads to innovation, Stanford historian unearths greed-drenched origins of Mexico's groundwater crisis. The humanities teach empathy. Bringing Clarity to the Future Professional Development for Institute for K-12 Teachers . I think that is what Ms. Harris is trying to say. They foster a genuine and deep understanding of individual and social justice, an authentic appreciation and admiration for difference, and a thrilling and life-enhancing recognition of beauty in its many forms. Those early conversations forever shaped my sense that we are responsible to and for other humans and for the planet. I subscribe to the thought that “If all I had was a loaf of bread, I would sell half to buy white hyacinths to feed my soul.” However, I also agree with the comments of Thomas Johnson, above, that to be well rounded one must also have a grasp of math and other sciences. rounded except flat on one side. And they reveal how people have tried to make moral, spiritual and intellectual sense of the world. “The arts and humanities matter today because they always matter. Take a poetry class. Contact. HOW DO THE HUMANITIES BENEFIT US AS A SOCIETY? Far from being degrees to nowhere, humanities degrees—as all the data show us—are degrees to everywhere. Campion College’s new 2020 cohort being matriculated into … Two students of about sixty explicitly said that they only wanted to get a D (and I assume from the consistent low C high D performance of others that that was the case for others too). Today, humanistic knowledge continues to provide the ideal foundation for exploring and understanding the human experience. Harris began in her new role November 1. Through the work of humanities scholars, we learn about the values of different cultures, about what goes into making a work of art, about how history is made. That’s why the humanities matter.” “We now live in a scientistic world where everything comes down to data and measurements, and that has become our society’s religion: science or business,” says Will. Through a historical analysis of agrarian reform and hydraulic technology, Stanford professor Mikael Wolfe discovers how politically well-connected business interests helped put Mexico's groundwater supply on a path toward unsustainability. The humanities offer a careful assessment of different cultures and languages, and allows us, as persons, to identify commonalities and positive difference in other cultural texts, religious practices, and discussion of certain customs groups of people have. You are torturing animals in the most inhumane and unimaginable ways with taxpayer money. Through the work of humanities scholars, we learn about the values of different cultures, about what goes into making a work of art, about how history is made. I agree with her argument that the integrity of democracy depends on an informed public. Because these skills allow us to gain new insights into everything from poetry and paintings to business models and politics, humanistic subjects have been at the heart of a liberal arts education since the ancient Greeks first used  them to educate their citizens. We need both areas of understanding. Left and right human brain. I sent out emails telling them how to easily get full points for their weekly assignments, but the ones that complained grading was too tough. According to a 2016 analysis from the American Academy of Arts & Sciences published in Inside Higher Ed, the number of humanities undergrad majors has been on a slow decline, hitting an all-time low in 2014. Message from UWM’s Associate Dean of the Humanities, Jasmine Alinder: ... Why the Humanities are Cost Effective. No one should live in a cocoon. But before she left the U, we asked her to share why she believes the humanities matter. Exposure and understanding is important, at the very least because we decide whether to fund the humanities, or the arts, or even public science. I worry that universities have prices themselves out of the education market and that more and more people will go on to technical training and not have any exposure to the humanities. Instead of summer camp, we would head to the library every week and check out books to keep us busy. I do believe the humanities matter but the concept of being a well rounded person encompassed in non-stem degrees really isn’t well rounded. Responding to essential questions regarding whether the humanities can remain politically and academically relevant amid this twenty-first-century uncertainty, Why the Humanities Matter offers a guided tour of the modern condition, calling upon thinkers in a variety of disciplines to affirm essential concepts such as truth, goodness, and beauty. The humanities are especially vital in an interconnected, restless world. EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT CONTINUUM | @TheU. Tips for choosing a major and navigating the academic journey. YOU RECENTLY WROTE IN AN OP-ED, “WE NEED THE HUMANITIES NOW MORE THAN EVER.” WHY IS THAT? The humanities seek to understand the broad range of human experience. Welcome to "Why the Humanities Matter" I am trying to make the case that literature, the arts, the study of languages are indeed important in today's society. Minor in philosophy because you want to know something about philosophy. Dianne Harris: We are living in profoundly complex times that demand mastery of the skills we teach in the humanities to successfully navigate many key aspects of daily life. For choosing a major and navigating the academic journey have defined civilization for all of history celebrate human.. Ideal foundation for exploring and understanding the human experience adds to our knowledge about our.. About CONTINUUM | @ TheU academic journey the human experience does influence how we behave.! 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