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You make assertions that simply are not true. Led by Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge were ruthless Cambodian Communists who employed guerrilla tactics. The New York Times described the original cages as "small concrete trenches with bars on top" which tightly packed five to seven people. The first official flight crashed, killing 138 people, 78 of whom were children. You can sign in to vote the answer. Troublesome symptoms that many Vietnam veterans began to go through were neurological problems. It's no secret that Richard Nixon had a hostile relationship with the truth. How many people are you talking about? Tingling, numbness, headaches, twitching and loss of sensation are also symptoms related to the neurological impact of Agent Orange exposure. Nixon elevated the issue for two reasons: so that getting them back could serve as a substitute for victory in Vietnam, and -- unlike the returning soldiers who criticized the war -- the POWs and their families still supported the war effort by default, thereby serving as heroic endorsers of Nixon's policies. One hundred Marine reinforcements were sent to the Cambodian island of Koh Tang after the ship and its crew had already been recovered. John1953. New research looks at why so many veterans end up on the street. Official: COVID-19 prompts Rose Bowl move out of Calif. As end nears, Trump gets doses of flattery, finality. Some struggled with PTSD and substance abuse 40 years after coming home, not to mention increased the back, joint, and neurological problems. The US Government does not recognize “in-country” identifiers (Just like … In fact, as the Guardian detailed, the military sprayed Agent Orange that was 25 times more potent than its own guidelines suggested. They encountered kids, mothers, and largely elderly men. The soldiers scalped and beheaded people for their belongings and for sport. Cambodia placed a crimson exclamation point on the war in 1975. I was an 11b20 combat grunt with the 199th L.I.B. and here’s the story: One night in early July we were set up in an ambush position during the day. Constructed by French colonists in 1940, tiger cages were designed to hold POWs, per Atlas Obscura. 01-03-2011, 08:00 … So, the beat goes on, and the left-wing liberals of today still disrespect us with backhanded insults while pretending to be "sympathetic." Even then he managed to keep everyone in the dark for as long as possible. :-) Seriously wait a few years until the Iraqi boys start showing their problems. Will nuclear war happen this month or early next year? 1,326 520. In 1994, I joined a group of volunteers on a goodwill project that was organized by the Friendship Foundation of American Vietnamese, a nonprofit based in Ohio. In 1970 the Defense Department defended its stance, stating that orphans' wellbeing "has never been and is not now considered an area of government responsibility." I have a docket # that is 4 years old? Every commando that entered North Vietnam got captured or killed. This bloodshed bled into the Vietnam War. its like the things they went through over there scarred them for life, and there incapable of being around people..why is this? To the Berets' dismay, one of their operatives, Thai Khac Chuyen, appeared to be a Communist spy. Nixon desperately wanted to keep that under wraps, even if it meant wrapping up a murder trial before it started. More questions for military and veterans who fought in a war? McCain became incapable of lifting his arms above his shoulders. Why are Vietnam veterans honored? . Are high school sports in need of radical reform? Burkett stood patiently beside five red granite tablets, the start of a Texas Vietnam Veterans Memorial. If you researched before posting I would not be forced to respond to stupid questions. In the aftermath William Calley's supporters harassed Thompson for his heroism. Some vets expressed episodes of severe personality changes and suicidal behavior. Izzard praised for embracing feminine pronouns, Celeb chef decries 'biggest emergency' in a century, Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine shots leave warehouses. Volunteering to give him or her a ride to and from their appointments. Per the Chicago Tribune, in 1990 the VA revealed that the military realized Agent Orange was dangerous but used it anyway. Vietnam does not have the capacity to undertake a South Korea-style fight against coronavirus, which has so far involved carrying out 350,000 tests. I don't feel we are any more messed up than any other group of people. Many wished to walk away from Vietnam altogether and find their American fathers. Initially hailed as heroes, the Tiger Force soon saw killing as "the way to live," according to one Tiger. A former prisoner compared them to coffins. Answer Save. Perhaps that's why South Vietnam and America remained mum about placing people in tiger cages. It gets more depressing. Based on eyewitness accounts and government documents, the Toledo Blade (which broke the story in 2003) estimated the Tiger Force killed hundreds of helpless people. After months of media coverage, in 1996 the government begrudgingly confirmed the cover-up. If you have suicidal thoughts or plans, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room. Twenty-seven members admitted that collecting ears as trophies "was routine." Sponsoring a companion dog for vets with PTSD. ... Asians Americans (especially Asian Men) have been treated badly especially by the Vietnam Vets like we are lower then them. Suddenly the rescuers needed rescuing from a needless battle. Some soldiers raped women and girls before gunning them down. One of the reasons there are so many vets now is that vets have created their own market. Their blue eyes made numerous Vietnamese see red, and their curly hair became a curse. Declassified documents and a slew of interviews reviewed by Newsweek depicted a mission mired in mystery and mistakes. Declaring the POWs deceased allowed the military to stop monthly payments to the deceived and grieving families. It's hard to quantify the harm caused by combat exposure and torture because, as the Lancet noted, soldiers tend to be healthier than the average person. While war takes a greater material toll, torture nurtures and conveys inhumanity. But Cambodia had never formally joined the fighting. I signed up for the second tour. In reality, commandos had raided nearby North Vietnamese targets as part of an operation originated by the CIA. The country's medical system is also limited. Uncle Sam was dead wrong. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Then his captors wrecked his right shoulder before bayoneting him. Well, first off, the Nixon administration. They shrewdly used the bombings as a political weapon, amassing enough new members and momentum to overwhelm Cambodia's pro-U.S. forces. So people don’t know. Update: John where I live most Vietnam vets are homeless. I served with the 3BN11thREG1stMARDIV from 1970 to 1971. However, military analyst Daniel Ellsberg (above) discovered the cover-up. As Dr. Darius Rejali observed, torture "gives one person absolute power over another," which distorts the torturer's morals and worsens societies that condone it. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs lists 14 different diseases, including Parkinson's and seven kinds of cancer, linked to Agent Orange exposure. War: What is it good for? Song further alleged that his men beat Hall and Marshall to death. They protested for days and set an ROTC building ablaze. These symptoms generally started off with blurry or burning vision with episodes of violence, anger, depression, frenzy, memory loss and lack of concentration. They treated their children like literal trash, dumping them in trashcans and at orphanage entrances. The media made it that as if the entire U.S. military perpetrated the atrocities in Vietnam. No skill usable on the outside, plus they got so messed up, one way or another, that they couldn’t hold a job if somebody had offered them one. Congressmen visited South Vietnam in 1970 and reported the horrors they witnessed. At Kent State University in Ohio, students and activists went on the anti-warpath. Vietnam's soil contained one of the war's dirtiest secrets. So It saddens me that a Vet has to defend himself just to get answers. You mean compared to a world without medicine, or transportation, or instant communication? Why is ebenefits so messed up? Maybe your just too dumb to know what your talking about. And we are all suffering from sever PTSD as a result of all the atrocities we committed while deployed to Vietnam. The dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 1982 began the process, but many identify the Gulf War of 1990-91—with its national flag-waving, yellow … Would it be messed up to say that I don't care to acknowledge Memorial day? Eventually a Congressman did Tricky Dick a solid by threatening to block defense funding if the Army didn't block the case. The country's ousted ex-leader threw his support behind the Khmer Rouge. What kills people is not COVID. A group of American infantrymen known as Charlie Company took a huge hit, according to History, suffering 28 casualties. Suddenly, court proceedings couldn't proceed "for national security reasons." But few people knew the true extent of his dishonesty in 1969. Protesters hurled rocks at wary guardsmen who responded with tear gas and gunfire. As a former member recounted, "We weren't even keeping count. Then they dumped him in a "murky" body of water. Who knows what recruiters are promising these days, but there was a time when a stint in the military looked quite attractive to an awful lot of people, for a multitude of reasons. the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found, the back, joint, and neurological problems. As Time detailed, in 1969 the Green Berets conducted a top-secret operation to ascertain the effectiveness of the Cambodia bombings. The reinforcements were informed they would face up to "40 old men and farmers." Our suicide rate is so high that--if true--we would have been wiped out before 1999. North Vietnam, meanwhile, had its own incarnation of tiger cages, claustrophobic bamboo enclosures (above) used to torture trapped troops. Tiger Force member Gerald Bruner threatened to shoot his fellow soldiers if they kept killing civilians. To force a false confession, guards beat him "every two or three hours" for four days. This is America. The Fall of Saigon had signified the official end of the Vietnam War on April 30. Students hammered him for perpetuating a conflict that he promised to end and for being Richard Nixon. Society also regarded the kids as garbage. I find it outrageous that, given their role, any vet criticises Cruft's for exhibiting these dog breeds. Tired of the government's seemingly inexhaustible dishonesty, Ellsberg eventually leaked the Pentagon Papers, showing shocking chicanery by the government during the Vietnam War. Three Marines — Gary Hall, Joseph Hargrove, and Danny Marshall — went missing. A four-year investigation by the military confirmed 18 culprits, none of whom faced formal consequences. Post Oct 25, 2017 #1 2017-10-25T16:36. Peers picked on them for being poor and parentless. its like the things they went through over there scarred them for life, and there incapable of being around people..why is this? He reportedly cried as he fired his weapon. Edwin Starr would say "absolutely nothing." ? Even those who were adopted were sometimes given away by their new parents. One prisoner remembered being force-fed soapy water and receiving electric shocks. If you’re going to Hell, you might as well go in style. The operation ran like a legless racehorse. The mayhem ended when helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson threatened to shoot Charlie Company if it didn't desist. Nixon beefed up the bombardment over a four-year period during which fighter jets dropped 540,000 tons of bombs. Meadlo wasn't alone. But Koh Tang was crawling with up to 200 amply armed and battle-tested combatants. I feel obligated to bitch to make it better. Get your answers by asking now. Vietnam vets and their advocates believe a brutal calculation may lie at the heart of why their claims have gone unexamined. It was a disgrace how our vets were treated, but that how it was back then. A Marine-led rescue effort ensued. Eleven hours later a ceasefire officially commenced in accordance with the Paris Peace Accords. **** all you guys i was just asking a question holy **** your all bitter, not all of them are messed up in the head, but yea there are a lot that are.how about you go sit in a jungle in the dark, so dark you can barley see your hand in front of your face, with no sleep, or better yet go to sleep,and have some one come through there and try to kill you, then the next day go out and look for the ones that were shooting at you, and hope they don't have the area booby trapped some how, or have a sniper waiting for you to walk in to his sights. Like a deadbeat dad, the U.S. refused to pay attention to the children's pain. The last GI to die on Vietnamese soil during combat perished in 1973, according to History. John1953. No not all of em I think ,lookout for Iraq people. I confirm that I am a U.S. Veteran I'm over 18 and understand that this is not a crisis management program. President Gerald Ford green-lit Operation Babylift, which evacuated 2,547 orphans via airlift. Two days after launching the invasion, Nixon announced it on television, conveniently leaving out the lethal aerial assaults that accompanied it. The Conversation related that between 1961 and 1971 America showered Vietnam with 45 million liters of the herbicide Agent Orange. According to History, lawmakers lambasted him for waging war without Congressional input. Most Vietnam vets are well adjusted and productive citizens. It's estimated that South Vietnam kept 20,000 to 200,000 prisoners in tiger cages, sometimes for years without trial. Arizona Senator John McCain was never physically the same after surviving over five years as a POW. But Em Son, the former special forces commander for the Khmer Rouge, later stated that Hargrove had been captured, questioned, and shot. 1,326 520. This was very offensive to me. Of course, not everyone gets it, my grandfather fought 3 bloody wars, and he didn't seem to get shell shock, which is quite odd as he served in a duty that had a 90% mortality rate. As North Vietnamese troops prepared to topple Saigon, rumors circulated that the incoming Communists would slaughter anyone connected to America. War is organized barbarism on an enormous scale. Reflecting on what he witnessed in Vietnam, platoon medic Larry Cottingham remarked, "There was a period when just about everyone had a necklace of ears." Per History, World War II bred bedlam in Vietnam when Japan wrested the country from French colonizers. Defense officials knew about the fighters, but nobody told the Marines. Even if a lot of people saw the war as unjust why treat the people that fought the war like garbage? So the public back home in America treated anyone arriving back home in military uniform as nothing more than "baby killers" or "war criminals". And as the Vietnam War's countless cruelties came to light, many came to see it as a tragic travesty. Ex-intelligence analyst Sedgwick Tourison explained that the military wanted to save money. Although he swept the carpet-bombing under the rug, in 1970 Nixon invaded Cambodia in broad daylight. What in the hell are you talking about I am coming out there and kicking your ***? I feel for them! On May, 12, 1975, the Khmer Rouge –- Cambodia's Communist regime –- commandeered an American cargo ship. A superior officer ordered Bruner to see a psychiatrist and scolded him for speaking up. Recently an individual stated to me that I am not a Vietnam Veteran because I was never in country in Vietnam. In 1967 the jaded GIs executed untold numbers of defenseless villagers. However, the ceasefire soon ceased, and Vietnam's soil continued ending GI lives for decades. In 1969, the same year the public learned about My Lai, more lies were told about a separate massacre. Cheese and red wine could boost brain health, Struggling Americans fear stimulus won't be enough, Big retailers buoyed by 'once in a lifetime' convergence, Trump won't put aside grudges, even for good news. That year he publicly promised to reduce America's involvement in the Vietnam War while he secretly reduced Cambodia to rubble. 11 Answers. Even so, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found that Vietnam veterans "with high exposure to warzone stress were nearly twice as likely to have died" between 1987 and 2013 than those who experienced less stress. So many from then and even now don't stand up for the benfits they deserve. The Vietnamese dubbed them "children of the dust." The campaign killed between 150,000 and 500,000 noncombatants. The U.S. government insisted it didn't instigate the incident, which didn't really happen as described. … Nixon's chief of staff described the carnage at Kent State as "the beginning of his downhill slide toward Watergate.". By the early 1960s, South Vietnam’s conventionally trained … That doesn't include the life-shortening disorders and severe disabilities suffered by the children of those exposed. They fought for us to be where we are now. Cottingham served as part of the Tiger Force, a unit assembled in 1966 to "out-guerrilla" the Vietcong, per the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Frequently hired out of high school, the commandos were promised $2,000 annually plus $100 monthly to their families. Why were Vietnam vets treated so badly when they came home? But South Vietnam used them to detain anyone deemed "politically dangerous," including civilians with "anti-Government" leanings. I was in the homecoming parade with the 1STMARDIV on base. However, the majority of Vietnam Vets are healthy and productive members of society. In 1945 a French-backed Vietnamese emperor gained power, and Communist honcho Ho Chi Minh mounted an uprising that gave rise to North Vietnam via the First Indochina War. Where are your facts and figures? To the Editor: Although Joseph Kurtz Jr. attempts to make an important point about Vietnam veterans, his obvious anger confirms for me why he left so much unsaid. Still have questions? The exception might be John(I want to be president ) Kerry and Al(I invented everything) Gore. What are you gonna do when Russia sends tsunami. Shell shock is something that affects a large portion of veterans, whether or not they served in Vietnam, Iraq or any other place. 1967, Vietnam . Went on ebenefits this morning it said awaiting place on docket. Thousands of Vietnam vets who returned home unaware that they had been exposed to the same toxic dioxin that was meant to combat their enemies. Charley Company savagely murdered 504 villagers. The U.S., however, continued counting them as "unaccounted for.". A alot of White People like to treat Asians like slaves in America. The military maintained that the men "disobeyed orders" by failing to reach rescue choppers on time and had likely died. Now it dragged America back into combat. Can you threaten suicide to get out of basic training? Jump to page: Results 1 to 30 of 76 ... so to speak, while Vietnam was a completely unnecessary ****fest with tons of grey area. Per official testimony, Private Paul Meadlo had been kidding around and giving kids candy when he received the order to shoot them. In January 1968, fighting intensified with the Tet Offensive, which saw North Vietnam land a series of sucker punches on the U.S. and South Vietnam. They butchered babies and burned down homes. This question is mainly for someone on my contacts who asks similar questions. Fourteen men stood trial, but only Calley was convicted. I have many viet nam vet friends and family members that are just fine. not knowing if you were going to live through the night, or through the day for that matter. A pair of sisters arrested for attempting to aid Communists spent seven years in tiger cages, where they were burned with quicklime. Per the Associated Press, in 1959 the CIA began recruiting South Vietnamese men for espionage and sabotage efforts. Why is the vets game so messed up. According to one estimate, the number of veterans without stable accommodation was … Survivors described digging mass graves for the victims. Sure there are some that suffer from the war, and many more that suffer because of the manner in which our government has neglected the care of these soldiers. Called the BVA and they said it is waiting to be seen by the judge. But, in my mind's eye, I didn't perform all that well; and I can't forgive people until I figure out some way to forgive myself. Right? The broadcasting is all lines on my TV and it's cutting off alot .. I was recently asked why I was so angry and why I couldn't forgive people who, in my estimation, didn't perform as well or do as much as I did. Despite pushback from the Pentagon, the commandos eventually won a court battle for back pay. However, the military at least tacitly condoned the atrocities. Being despised makes the bond tighter than ever. And then when they got back home, they were treated like the scum of … The vast majority of us came home and went to work etc. By 1965 the U.S. military had taken charge and started telling the relatives of captive commandos that their loved ones died in the line of duty. After the war, 281 survivors sought payment, but their service was no longer officially acknowledged. As Americans were rocked by tectonic social shifts, the war's many faults shook their collective conscience. How do you think about the answers? They are not, the news just liked to focus on the 1 or 2 % that were messed up. In 1968 the bloodiest phase of the war began, and Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were killed. Pride can kill a Vet. I had a black friend who was the easiest going person I have ever met. Eight men faced criminal charges, but Nixon wanted officials to scrap the case. Some soldiers later grappled with guilt and needed psychological counseling, but others remained remorseless. I suggest reading about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which was not identified during the Vietnam era. Even so, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found that Vietnam veterans "with high exposure to warzone stress were nearly twice as likely to have died" between 1987 and 2013 than those who experienced less stress. I knew it was wrong, but it was an acceptable practice." Many GIs in Vietnam made love and rape and war, creating embattled children. Often the offspring of white or black men and Vietnamese women, these babies resembled blended enemies. That soil also assailed solders' children and their children's children and millions of Vietnamese children and adults. Future Congressman Sam Johnson suffered seven years in captivity. In the process, he broke both arms and a leg. One former bully recalled that the forlorn orphans "would just look down and walk away." A My Lai survivor said soldiers laughed amid the slaughter. No wonder so many were messed up. Will Asthma Joe get as much guff as Bonespurs Don for being disqualified from military service? Tufts University explained that the Johnson Administration bombed Cambodia in 1965 because the country severed ties with the U.S. while allowing Communists to cross its borders. Are they honored because they were forced to fight and then honoring them is sort of like a way of paying them, or are they honored because of their fight against "evil communists"? Reuters reported that when "Pol Pot's chief torturer" stood trial for his crimes, he partly blamed Nixon's carpet-bombing campaign for the Khmer Rouge's reign. A temporary peace ensued but was shattered on May 4. The guardsmen defended the shooting as self-defense, while others saw unnecessary force amid an unnecessary war. For America, the Vietnam War ended with a bang that made men whimper. Eventually, being hard-headed and 20, I decided to piss on the fire and call in the dogs. In the process it doomed up to 4.8 million Vietnamese residents. I was eighteen and stupid when I finally got to Vietnam. Not everyone found it acceptable, though. It’s really about people not getting a chance to know they have a choice. Nonetheless, with the CIA's blessing, three Berets shot Chuyen in the head for supposedly stabbing them in the back. Per ABC, in 1967 McCain's plane was struck by a missile, forcing him to eject. The rationale sounded straightforward: drown the country's jungles in plant poison to prevent Vietcong from hiding. The commandos were actually under duress. Yet people tend to accept it more than less frequent instances of torture. The practice came to light after two U.S. It was dragged into battle by U.S. bombs. Seemingly out of nowhere, American soldiers swarmed the country. A disabled veteran may struggle to get to appointments. The My Lai Massacre and subsequent deception fomented anti-war fervor in America and demoralized already war-weary troops, who increasingly coped through drug use. So even if you were stationed in South Africa passing out basketballs at a gym, you qualify to call yourself a Vietnam Vet, because that term has no legal standing and is a colloquialism. It wasn't America's first Cambodian rodeo. It was literally overkill, just like the war itself. In 1971 he received a life sentence. The resulting disarray allowed a pro-American general to overthrow Cambodia's government. They withstood years (sometimes decades) of torture. PBS explained he didn't even warn Cambodia's head of state, who was a U.S. ally at the time. ... it that way, no I don't think it would be messed up. A second dissenter was also silenced. Relevance. We know they experienced more combat though, than anyone else. Meadlo's mother would later lament, "I sent them a good boy and they made him a murderer." It saddends me that the Vets in Vietnam have been put through so much bullshit. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Last. And why we think they’re taking his signs down. The empathy we Vietnam Vets feel for each other is something none can describe from any other war. As PBS described, the Nixon Administration started covertly carpet-bombing Cambodia and kept Congress out of the loop for months. Newer units provided by the United States contained a single inmate. It didn't tell the public at all. That tune changed in 1975. So basically, they laid down their lives for a cause just to push communism back, over 50,000 of them died for that caused, some of them were forced to basically commit war crimes, they saw some really messed up shit. Also, treatment was not available like it is now. What kills people is water. The Khmer Rouge went on to implement oppressive policies and engage in atrocities (including cannibalism and genocide) that resulted in the deaths of between 1 million and 3 million people. . That’s why I went to Vietnam. Chuyen's wife uncovered the killing with the help of a general who despised the Green Berets. The United States and South Vietnam had Catholic presidents who were shot to death in November 1963. Why Vietnam Vets Are America’s Greatest Heroes January 22, 2012 by Raymond Bechard 46 Comments Raymond Bechard pays tribute to the men who … As Smithsonian Magazine described, many of their mothers didn't view them as tiny humans but humongous burdens. 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