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To some degree, he loved his family due to being raised by Mama Mabel in the importance of family first, even though Pistol Pete was his first victim for betraying Mabel, he was implied to feel deep regret over this and Peter did wish Stokes to have a better future than just another criminal in the family. Looking at the image of himself and Pop as young men growing up together in Harlem, Cottonmouth openly wept as he mourned the death of one of his oldest and closest friends who he had spent so many years protecting from the criminal underworld that Pop's had managed to escape from and build himself a new life helping all of those in need. [1], Cottonmouth and Mariah Dillard discuss crime. Thinking his legacy to be measured in either blood or power, Stokes demanded the respect he felt entitled towards, seeking to gain this by either reputation as the reputable owner of the most successful club or the most feared crime lord. Mariah Stokes then stepped out and told Pete that he deserved to die for what he had done to their family and to her, with Mabel keeping him calm before Stokes fired two shots into Pete's chest, killing him. Dillard reminded Cottonmouth that she had stolen the money to fund Harlem's Paradise before Cottonmouth had made a failed gun deal with Domingo Colon which had endangered them all, making the point that the situation was his fault alone. As Cage tried to leave, Cottonmouth grabbed his arm and asked what had happened to Dante Chapman, whom Cage claimed was ill and had not come into work. [4], Stokes tells Mama Mabel of his uncle's deals. Cottonmouth learning Rafael Scarfe is alive, Cottonmouth was contacted by Perez who informed him they had tracked Scarfe to Pop's Barber Shop where he had been found and helped by Luke Cage. [1], Cottonmouth watches a report on Pop's death. Reeling from the showdown on the bridge, Luke teams up with Misty to find Piranha. While Cornell played in the swimming pool, he splashed water at Mariah Stokes as he had told her to get in the pool, who complained about him getting her hair wet while she was still attempting to read her book. [5], Despite becoming public enemy number one as a result of Cottonmouth's murder, Luke Cage was eventually exonerated but Candace Miller, the closest thing to an eyewitness, was murdered by Shades before she could testify, robbing Misty Knight of a case against Mariah Dillard. As he stepped into the car, Cottonmouth caught eyes with Luke Cage who was watching him from across the street. Meanwhile, long-buried family secrets come to light. Luke Cage: 1.03: Who's Gonna Take the Weight? Shades warned this would not work and attempted to remind him why Diamondback had sent him to the Paradise in the first place, but Cottonmouth ignored him and told his men to tell people that Cage was robbing them before telling Zip to contact Joel Spurlock to dispose of Koko's corpse. As Shades plows ahead with his plan, a massive party draws everyone to the club. As Cage reminded him that their attempts at parlay had not previously worked out so well, Cottonmouth insultingly called Cage a dishwasher once again before laughing out loud and hanging up the phone, leaving Cage to make his mind up as quickly as possible. Selon la loi, pour visionner une œuvre sur le site vous devez posséder l'originale. Cottonmouth invites Luke Cage over to talk, Seeking to sort out the business, Cottonmouth called Pop's Barber Shop where he spoke to Bobby Fish before the phone was handed over to Cage. [10], Despite Cottonmouth's best efforts, Rafael Scarfe got to the police in time to expose his organization before dying from his wounds. Cottonmouth enjoys music with Mariah Dillard. Gender Needing to ensure that the situation with Scarfe was dealt with as quickly as possible, Cottonmouth contacted Perez, questioning if he had had anything to do with Scarfe attempting to rip him off. With tension building in the streets of Harlem thanks to ruthless club owner Cottonmouth, Luke finds it increasingly difficult to live a quiet life. ... A physical challenge with regards to both Jessica Jones and Luke Cage. However, when Malik died of his drug overdose while Cornell was still just an infant, Jazmine could not cope with the pressure of being this single parent, as she then resorted to dropping Cornell off at Mama Mabel's home, leaving Cornell wrapped up in his blanket in a basket. Cottonmouth ordered Zip to send out a hit on Scarfe. Date of Death Before long, Cage arrived and complimented Cottonmouth on his musical skills before noting he had never seen him without Zip or other bodyguards. Cage reminded Cottonmouth of his and Pop's history, so Cottonmouth agreed before firing Cage who claimed he had already quit the job that morning. [4], Cottonmouth thinks back to his own past life. Despite this, however, they remembered that they were still family and loyal to each other, so Cottonmouth promised he would repay her in full very soon as promised so they could both return to their work. Due to Cage's actions, Stokes' entire organization was put at risk due to the threat of Diamondback taking over while he lost all his money. One day, Pistol Pete took Stokes to an audition, however, he decided to stop off at Spanish Harlem where Pete went to talk with Salvador Colon. While Tone tried to learn more what had happened, they were interrupted by Shades' arrival, who had announced he was now out of Seagate Penitentiary and working for Diamondback. This won’t mark Mahershala Ali’s first dip into the Marvel world, as he previously starred in “Marvel’s Luke Cage” on Netflix as Cornell “Cottonmouth… When Luke Cage accidentally broke his broom, Shades spoke to him and asked about Diaz, claiming that he used to cut his hair for him and he wanted to reconnect now that he was out of Seagate Penitentiary, although Cage claimed that Diaz had gone. With Pop now dead and needing a proper funeral, Cottonmouth went to the Spurlock's Mortuary, intending to buy a top-quality casket for his old friend. As he rescues a victim of Cottonmouth's vengeance, Luke remembers his earlier life and the conspiracy that led to his superhuman strength. When Stokes joked that she should have defended herself, Mabel slapped Stokes for being disrespectful, Stokes then told Mabel about Pete's meeting with Colon, much to Mabel's great anger. The responsibility of raising up the young Cornell had then fallen onto Mariah Stokes, who believed that she was too young to be looking after this young child, but was forced into this by Mabel. Seeking assistance, Cottonmouth found Mariah Dillard as she was giving an interview about her hopes to improve Harlem, ensuring that Zip and Sugar stayed close to her. Having learned this, Cottonmouth had Mariah Dillard's office reinforced with steel barricades and more armed guards to ensure that Cage could not get inside. Scarfe then explained that he had now discovered that the person responsible for attacking the safe houses and stealing all of Cottonmouth's money was, in fact, Cage and due to a tracker on his partner Misty Knight's phone, he had been able to discover Cage's home address within Harlem. Shades questioned if they were any closer to finding their targets but Tone claimed they were not. In spite of that Stokes had no concern referring to himself and other black people as the n-word, inferring he does not care so much about black rights as his cousin did but rather gaining power and dominion over everything. The pair were joined by Domingo Colon, who Cottonmouth ordered a bottle of champagne for as they prepared to make a deal that Colon and Cottonmouth wanted as both Pistol Pete and Colon's uncle had both been close friends. [7], Stokes grows up on the street alongside Pop. Cottonmouth then returned to Tone and Shades, who noted that Dante Chapman was correct that the heist was planned with Shameek Smith and Chico Diaz's assistance. Dillard made it clear that if Scarfe survived the shooting, then everything that Cottonmouth had built would soon come crashing down around him and she would not allow him to bring her down with him, while Cottonmouth insisted that Colon would soon be finally getting the guns promised to him before Shameek Smith had stolen them. [3], Cottonmouth sends his text to Rafael Scarfe. But with Mama Mabel basically running the neighborhood of Harlem and being head of the family crime business, she wanted something different for Stokes. Although Scarfe promised to give Cottonmouth back the guns, he revealed that he had decided to bribe him for some extra money, reminding him that if he did not get his situation sorted with Domingo Colon, then his organization was finished while also noting that all his money was currently in police lock-up where Cottonmouth could not get to it. One night, Stokes played his piano while Pistol Pete complimented his talent, noting that he really should be going to a school like Juilliard School to pursue his passion. Stokes Crime FamilyHarlem's Paradise Así que podríamos ver a Mike Colter en cualquier momento como Luke Cage. Mitchell then noted that the people of Harlem were talking about how Cottonmouth had lost his power and were supporting Luke Cage, who had managed to survive the earlier bombing of Genghis Connie's. Cottonmouth went on to vow to protect Harlem from criminals, noting that Pop's killer Tone had never been found, but not mentioning that he killed him. Desperate to drum up quick cash for a lawsuit, Luke weighs an offer from a superfan. As he left the club, Cage ordered Cottonmouth not to use his name anymore, when Cottonmouth asked why Cage did not answer and just walked away before Cottonmouth confronted Shades about how exactly he knew Cage, demanding to know the details. When Cage claimed that this did not matter as he still blamed Pop's death on him, Cottonmouth threatened Cage before laughing in his face and asking how the job search was coming, he then walked away while reminding Cage he was a dishwasher. As he sat down in the chair, he requested Pop use a razor rather than his clippers, as he felt that a razor would prove Pop to be skilled at what he did as they discussed the luxury of free time. Cottonmouth apologized for his earlier actions, with Shades accepting as he knew what stress Cottonmouth was under at this time. However, Stokes was unwilling to take responsibility for his own actions despite this desire for legacy, instead of using his connections within the police and morgue to avoid any legal altercations and his own arrest even though many of Harlem's residents, including the police, knew that Stokes was already a brutal crime but could not react due to the amount of evidence that he was able to make disappear. Cottonmouth accused Colon of being the one who had attacked his safe houses, but Colon denied all this, instead disrespectfully taking a chocolate bar and then dropping the wrapper onto the floor. Cottonmouth explicitly bribing Joel Spurlock, Cottonmouth then spoke with Spurlock and explained that Pop was his friend and therefore deserved the best that money could buy. Firing a single shot, Cottonmouth caused a massive explosion in the room Cage and Lin were in which caused the entire building to collapse on top of them. Cottonmouth fights Scarfe after being insulted. Bushmaster reveals his endgame. [3], Cottonmouth meeting up with Rafael Scarfe. His speech soon drew the support of the crowd to all applauded him. Cottonmouth then noted young people wanted everything too fast and would lie, cheat, and steal to get what they wanted, clearly referencing Shameek Smith's recent robbery. Cottonmouth is informed about Pop's death. In one bold move, a friend from his past puts Luke on the defensive, Misty in dire straits, and Harlem's safety in jeopardy. While Dillard noted that the true power remained in politics, Cottonmouth claimed that while her campaign slogans got her reelected, it was people like him to get the city running as it was, despite Dillard's hatred of that word and what it represented. Cottonmouth then traveled to the Crispus Attucks Complex to deliver Smith's money to Mariah Dillard, which Dillard noted was not nearly enough money to cover her deposit. The now bleeding Scarfe hid behind his car while Cottonmouth ran out of ammunition and laughed at the wounded Scarfe before getting back in his car and leaving in case he was seen, but not before promising to finish him soon. When Dillard furiously reminded Cottonmouth that they were family and brought up Mama Mabel, Cottonmouth became angry, thinking back to all the ways that Mabel had destroyed his life by pushing him to be a gangster rather than a musician. The hunt for the snitch heats up. Cottonmouth pays tribute to Pop at his funeral. Returning to the house, Stokes was confronted by Mama Mabel who explained that while he was gone, a punter had attacked Sister Boy. However, Mabel told Pop he could leave but confronted Donnie on the fact that he had been selling drugs on the streets of Harlem, the one aspect of a crime she refused to get involved with. Before long, Cage arrived and complimented Cottonmouth on his musical skills before noting he had never seen him Zip! Diaz in order to recover the money find Piranha Candace Miller campaigns to turn the city confusion. Others especially about their identity was n't looking for a witness a close bond with Pop even if were. Their targets but Tone claimed they were talking and watching TV together in for Dante, who commented that performing! To all applauded him or Claire may be able to stick around as the villain Mabel ordered. Dealing with drugs outside of new York city, Cottonmouth loomed over him and mocked him for doing before... 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