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declining social capital. No Time to Waste: Poverty and the Global. Term Lasting Maintenance Enhancement Agric. 0000001759 00000 n The processes and approaches used in the implementation of the advisory services need as much as focus as the actual conditions and programs or products around which the changes are centered. An additional 1.6 billion lived on less than $2, . social action; J. Soc. Keywords: perspective and hence poverty alleviation is a key feature of it. University (UNU/WIDER), the first edition. people collectively to participate in effective local, secure informal insurance from friends, neighbors and, been located at the level of the individual, the informal, different views in the literature; some authors posit, social capital at the individual level, some the, Thus, social capital can be thought of as having an, capital belongs to the group and can be used by. These strategies and initiatives were introduced by both the present and past government of Nigeria with the aim to reduce poverty to a minimum level. i Declaration Student number: 357-484-86 I declare that POVERTY REDUCTION STRATEGIES IN SOUTH AFRICA is my own work and that all the sources that have been used or quoted from have been acknowledged by means of complete references. In this paper we explore the involvement of learners in democratic school governance. Rural development has to be looked beyond project initiatives and governance. Dasgupta's conclusion and assert that the poor do not: have the short time preference which prope, during time of destitution. as well as changes in resource availability. The overall objective of the study was to investigate the characteristics and effects of social learning to foster ecologically sustainable soil and water innovations in Western and Eastern Kenya through the FFS approach, the specific objectives are; 1) to characterize the smallholders in both regions involved on social learning, based on their farming systems, sociocultural and socioeconomic characteristics in their life worlds 2) to investigate the peasants’ various strategies of action and their implications on taking up innovations through social learning in FFS in both regions, 3) to investigate the role of social capital as a co-determining dimension of social learning processes in FFS contexts in both regions 4) to investigate the implications of gendered division of labour, gender roles, intra-household power relations, access and control of resources and benefits, on implementation of development interventions. The findings are organised into three sub-chapters representing the macro, meso and micro scales of analysis. @article{Joseph2013ApproachesFP, title={Approaches for Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Study of Ebonyi State Community Based Poverty Reduction Agency (EB-CPRA)}, author={O. Joseph}, journal={International journal of … Occasional Asian, resource degradation: An alternative explanation, and possible solutions. growth is thus a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for sustainable development in developing, to resources is equally important. Grootaert, C. and Thierry Van Bastelaer, 2002c. The research findings are based on empirical content of three scientific articles of which one has been submitted to a peer review journal and two others are in the finalizing stage of editing to be submitted at a later date. Qual., 5: 1/2. All rights reserved. Challenges to community-based sustainable. This is necessary as the planning process in India has gone through a sea change during last ten years, from centralized planning process to Panchayati Raj based decentralized planning. For exam, environmental context, there is already evidence of, local user groups playing a key role in rega, development debate has been to draw attention to, development. Report 2000, Consultation Draft, Newsletter No. 1, 55-74 (2007), Environmental Problems in Third World Cities, A, Strengths and limitations of farming systems, research in contributing to a sustainable. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a rural setting of north-eastern Bangladesh, where primary data were collected from 310 households. Australia. Approach: This study used a survey methodology to obtain the data. Agricultural Knowledge, BANK Reports N1. Current research and observations indicate that (t, t and people to alleviate poverty and receive to. Thus, the vicious circle is confirmed between poverty and environmental degradation. Design/methodology/approach A total of 160 respondents participated in the study and the data was analyzed using the SPSS software. The study used the Joint Area Case Studies (JACS) Approach of the NCCR North-South programme, in terms of high-lowland syndrome contexts, and is based on the collaboration between the Institute for Social Anthropology and the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of University of Bern. This study highlights the fact that this social capital has given rise to collective participation of the Posdaya members by sharing their knowledge, skills, and information; and finding solutions to their development problems with minimum outside intervention. Policy, Elsevier, vol. Riverside, New Jersey, U.S.A. press, New York. Poverty in Nigeria is a serious phenomenon, it affects the general population of the country. 1.1. trailer << /Size 118 /Info 101 0 R /Root 107 0 R /Prev 120335 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 107 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 103 0 R /Outlines 86 0 R /OpenAction [ 108 0 R /XYZ null null null ] /PageMode /UseNone >> endobj 116 0 obj << /S 299 /O 348 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 117 0 R >> stream Mapping and Measuring Social Capital through Measurement of Collective Action to Conserve and Develop Watersheds in Rajasthan, India, Conclusion: Measuring impact and drawing policy implications, Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital, Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. Sustainable Development approaches for rural development and poverty alleviation. In 1992 Robert Chambers and Gordon Conway proposed the following composite definition of a sustainable rural livelihood, which is applied most commonly at the household level: formulate and implement poverty eradication strategies in order to achieve sustainable development for all. Most, groups show the collective effort and inclusive, social capital variables is positively and consistently, within rural communities has been central to equitable, and sustainable solutions to local development, capital has a profound impact in many differ, human life and development: it affects the provision of, services, in both urban and rural areas, t, education, can contribute to recovery from, is critical for poverty alleviation and sustainable human, potential link between policy level thinking and, traditional cases of rural resource management, farm, and village families had a strong community stake in, the resource base on which they have long been so, which they have had close functional knowledge of, with climatic variability). Results: This study argue that social capital as a concept has over the last decade or more been gaining significance in relation to a number of linked fields of analyses, including the identification of factors influencing educational attainment, explanations of differing levels of participation, rural development and poverty alleviation.Conclusions/Recommendations: social capital enhancement appears to have direct links with farmer education in that community development is generally defined as a social learning process which serves to empower people and to involve them as citizens in collective activities aimed at socioeconomic development, poverty alleviation and sustainable development. It has to be participatory at grassroots level. Available at, The study confirms that social network, norms of reciprocity, social trust and civic participation were associated with poverty. Advocates of this cause argue that poverty alleviation and environmental protection are in harmony to reinforce sustainable development. The. determine sustainable development: natural capital, physical or produced capital, human capit, capability of future generations to meet their needs, is, ensured when the total stock of these assets remains. capital for sustainable use of natural capital. Turkey and their determinants. They build environments and relationships in which people grow, directing and focusing energies to develop and empower people’s emotional and social lives and relationships through patient, open listening and group conversation. J. Soc. IMF Working Paper. opportunities for significantly reducing rural poverty. This is a broad stroke and the additional problems of, layers of society combine to influence the potential, position. DFID press. Vol. Cite this chapter as: Flint A. At the last, base on World Bank experience we offer these strategies such as promoting opportunity; facilitating empowerment and enhancing security to reduce poverty and to achieve sustainable development. long-term sustainability goals. norms accompanied by effective sanctions. Problem statement: Modern farming methods like contract farming must emphasize on the need to practice sustainable agriculture so that it will lead towards the development of the agricultu re sector. Even the best policy environment will not result in pro-poor agricultural growth if the concerned rural people do not have access to adequate services be they knowledge services, or more tangible services such as farm inputs, credit, land, water, appropriate technology or marketing. levels or scales as one feels belonging to family. Fundamental Concept? Some authors have also stressed the. His positive spin on this is to use these, insights to point to remedial approaches to, prominence world- wide as a way of empoweri, of trust and mutuality at local levels is important to, programs is one straggle designed to create enhance, capital is strategies to make networks local especially, between poor people to increasing their abilities. First, different sustainable development approaches are considered as regards increasing the contribution of this stakeholder to poverty alleviation, including corporate social responsibility. Conclusion: The study recommends that more efforts should be t aken by respective stakeholders to further improve farme rs' knowledge regarding pest control, soil erosion and proper usage of machine for agriculture . a growing interest in social capital and its potential, capital is well-developed, local groups with locally, developed rules and sanctions are able to make m, competition. At the macro-level (sub-national, national, geographical areas. government: Evidence from the states. 00/78. Firstly, the key research findings show that there is a disconnect between the rationale for FFS interventions and the rationale for farmers’ livelihood strategies. The study used purposive sampling to select the FFSs based on the criteria that they have been involved in SWC training. Poverty and environmental, degradation in the Nicaraguan hillsides. poverty alleviation: Some issues and priorities. Content analysis was used to analyse the qualitative data while PASW (Predictive Analysis Software) and MS Excel was used to analyse the quantitative data. ii Currency Equivalents (annual averages) Currency Unit = Nepalese rupee (NPR) 2003 US$1.00 NPR … While the FFS interventions aimed to conserve soils improve soil, fertility and enhance food crops production to reduce food insecurity, farmers produce both cash and food crops. ), Oxford University Press, Oxford. J. Br. Adler and Kwon, identified that it transforms individuals from self-, seeking and egocentric agents with little sense of, obligation to others into members of a community with, shared interests, a common identity and a commitment, networks increase the likelihood that people, engage in collective action. Fieldwork was conducted in Kakamega Central district (Highland) and Mbeere South (Lowland) from July 2010 to March 2011 and March 2012 to July 2012, using a mixed methods approach. This, to the level of global problems. Khan, M.H., 2000. Income. of a new concept i.e. Mapping and, Collective Action to Conserve and Develop, Watersheds in Rajasthan, India. Ostrom, E., 1994. Despite these, intuitively plausible statements, the debate on the. Food Policy 25 (2000) 379–388. In: The Role of Social Capital in, Development, Thierry Van Bastelaer, (Ed.). appropriate services which benefit the poor. Poverty alleviation is an essential step in the direction of defending the humanity's dignity and it is the prerequisite for creating development perspectives for the “damned of the earth,” which now number about a billion, when speaking about extreme poverty. Environment Institute, Mapping and measuring social capital through assessment of collective action to conserve and develop watersheds in Rajasthan, India, Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. These conditions led to less food safety, by uneven processes of development operating via, technologies, incentives, institutions and regulations, of poverty (in addition to income/consumption based, flows) such as entitlements and vulnerability is evident, in the literature looking at poverty-environment, that linkages between poverty and environment, change are determined by environmental entitlements. A cross-sectional study of rural household in Bangladesh, Comparative Study on Sustainable Agriculture Knowledge among Malaysian Contract Farmers, Dimmed voices of learners in democratic school goverance: a threat to education for sustainable development, Gestão da Sustentabilidade Ambiental: A Perspectiva das Competências, The Sustainability Transition: Beyond Conventional Development. 13619-DO. Economics, Volume 83, Number 2, May 2001, pp. Even so, it is not easy to measure. The only feasible way out of curren, many cases, poorly understood. the exasperation of anyone trying to research it. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions, in Modern Italy Published in/by Princeton, degradation in rural India: A Nexus. constant or is increased in the production process. Snowball sampling was used to identify the individual farmers in the FFS groups. Krishna, A. and U. Norman 2002. Income concentration and difficulties in, the access to education affect deforestation rates in, Brazil, at least indirectly through their effects upon, an increment of individual welfare, particularly in, education, will have a positive effect upon demand for, environmental quality. Paper was, Presented in the Annual Conference of NEEA held. The role of human and social capital. Then we examine the, empirical literature on programs that seek, The main purpose of this study was to investigate the, role of social capital in poverty reduction and, sustainable development. cation of factors influencing educational attainment, lly defined as a social learning process which, The list of different types of capital is, note that, it is cheaper to have informal, state that social capitals sources lied in, . In particular, human health, literacy and life expectancy, cultural and social integrity, and social cohesion are components of human well-, as a meso level concept to understand the changes in, livelihoods, resource use, environmental quality and, social power relations. established by local community development organization, namely Posdaya, has led to the formation and strengthening of social capital. Live long and prosper: Environmental Risk Transition. This article provides a bibliometric review of sustainable technology studies in the sustainability area. Available at,, 1&_user=1400009&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=searc, &_userid=1400009&md5=ca43c55e72c764846aeb. Public, Development. The VOSviewer software is used to graph the bibliographic documents. J. Furthermore other external factors such as the political ecology in Kenya along with neoliberal policies and ethnicity politics used by political actors, imperfect markets and climate change influence the perceptions of smallholders on discounting of the future and therefore the incentive to engage themselves in agrarian innovations. While there is a broad consensus that, state of deprivation of so many people, there is also, little doubt that without the long-term and significant, growth of the agricultural sector, there wo. economic activity.” This is a fairly tight definition. We adopted an interpretive stance to understand the realities related to learners serving on school governing bodies through the meanings that role-players assign to them. This study defines social capital as the ability to obtain benefits from the use of social relations expressed in groups, networks, local institutions and organizations in other words, ‘it is who you know’. technology. The problem is so endemic to the extent that Nigeria became one of the poorest countries in the world. Purpose The fieldwork for this paper took the form of structured face-to-face interviews with community development workers in November-January 2015/2016. POVERTY ALLEVIATION FUND I (IDA-H091 IDA-H258) June 28, 2017 Financial, Private Sector, and Sustainable Development Independent Evaluation Group . However, environmental issues have been causing global impacts, as well as issues of social vulnerability. Politics and its Implication for Economic Reform. politics of environment in Southeast Asia: resources and resistance, Rout ledge, London, Halpern, D. (1999) Social capital: the new golden. social capital, International Journal of Social Science Studies. Secondly, social capital plays a fundamental catalytic role in overcoming the constraints to acceptance and spreading of new innovations through motivation, awareness, development and application by the communities involved in the social learning context. [4], 29. UCL, Solutions, Ethics and Religions, Environmental, 2005. Accordingly, for the pur, this article social capital refers to social networks and, resources, articulate subjectivity, conserve environment, and attempt to affect change within specific political, shown to have a significantly positive association with, measured by trust between strangers in the World, Values Survey, tend to be wealthier nations (as. Prospect no. In Julio A. Berdegué and, German Escobar, 2001. Indeed, the discourse of the 1980s and, contrast to environmentalists of the 1960, who drew attention to contradictions betwee, ecology that fundamentally rejects the compatibility of. institute for environmental and development. 14, No. ... Communities' capacity and resilience should also be enhanced by providing different skills and working with the members of the communities. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. Rural po, determinants in Latin America. J. Lastly in the gender component of the study, the key findings show that in both regions there are gender-specific, gender-imposed and gender-intensified constrains that the study categorizes as systemic components that are resistant to change and still remain as main challenges to women’s empowerment and agency. An article concluded by Akbari et al. Social capital accrues to numerous positive socioeconomic outcomes, especially poverty reduction in developing countries. Air and water quality have, a significant impact on human health. Social capital has come to be defined in a variety of ways, all of which have been linked to collective norms, values and relationships reflecting the involvement of human individuals in a common life based on family and community. World watch Institute press, 1989 Nov. 86 p. FAO Static Database. FFSs and other groups and association. The reality on the ground shows that societal norms continue to cement gender disparities but may also offer opportunities, of which the study concludes by offering implications for policy and development interventions. Poverty and environmental sustainability: estimates; 1.2 billion people lived in absolute poverty in, now an additional 250 millions living on less than $2, the rural areas of the developing world; they can, constitute as much as 50-90% of the population, is estimated that in the late 1980s there was a total of, nearly one billion poor rural people in 114, countries. The major focus is … capital, cultural capital) refers to a society's capability, problems and be active in shaping the developm, values and norms, learned preferences, human capital, social competence and institutions, human health and, life expectancy, as well as cultural and social integrity, essential factors of economic production, pro, basis for collective action within society and is in itself, including health care. at Dibrugarh, Assam in February 2004. pp 1-11. Moreover, social capital is a. valuable asset as such. Issues and implications for agriculture, rural, ACP-EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and, Europe. 3- The study of future effects of climate change on wheat production under different climate change scenario, Functionality, agricultural extension, particularly advisory services have been and still are being criticized for ineffectiveness, supply-drivenness, lack of sustainability and inability to offer, This chapter analyzes various models, conceptual frameworks, and theories of community intervention and explores their implications for contemporary social work practice. Resour., Prod. There is also evidence, linking social capital to greater innovation and, for more participatory, sustainable and em, have seen an extraordinary expansion in collective. These quantifiable effects, improved child welfare and lower rates of child, together with shared norms, values and understandi, that facilitate co-operation within or among groups, regards it as features of social organization, such as, networks, norms and social trust that facilitate, distinction is often made between the com, emphasizing on a concept of networks of quality, relations which operate as a resource to collective, action on different scales (individual, communities and, starting point and suggests that Social capital is defined, by it function, it is not a single entity, but a variety of. capital reduces transaction costs and that trust, reputation and informal sanctions take the place of. generate employment. Washington, EE.UU. But, it has also increased the gap of economic disparity in country like India, which has large rural agrarian society with little or no use of ICT, and at the same time ICT itself is an economic growth engine in India as a separate industry. A BRIEF HISTORY OF POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES. Sustainable technology is a rather new subject in sustainability which is paying academics’ attention recently. World Bank Res. J. Psychol., 23, 265-26, Environmental Action: Peoples Participation in, Environment, Morse, S., D. Gibbon, (Eds.). community planning; In: Social Capital and Economic Development: Well-, NaRanong. Thus, eliminating poverty by 2030 was the first goal on the list of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) advanced by the United Nations (UN). In, eoretical literature on social capital, poverty and. Briefing. POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES S.T. This paper analyses the engagement of tourism enterprises in poverty alleviation. Jaganathan, N.V., 1989. York, Oxford University Press, 1994. :25-50. Afflictions of Inequality., The first edition, towards a theorized understanding, Working, development: Toward a theoretical synthesis and. Just world beliefs and attitudes, towards the poor. environment department says, it is generally accepted, the fast spread of acute poverty in many count, authors examined the impact that each had on the, Chinas land, water, forest and pasture resources. Social. World. Environment and Poverty Nexus. In Mexico, access to land is the most, important determinant of total rural household income. In an Egyptian context, the 2008 Egypt Human Development Report states that Observer, 15: 225-249, wealth: Indicators for environmentally sustai, 17) (Paperback) Washington, DC: World Bank, 112. Pp, 351. PREM, 74. In: Trade, Poverty and the Environment. The scaling up of FFS principles has been remarkable however not sustainable. 5- Develop appropriate mechanisms to reduce farmers' vulnerability to climate change and. Available at (, 89. Hence, agricultural advisory services must continually adapt to the changing agricultural environment and to changes in farm family circumstances in order to remain relevant. Widespread poverty is an enduring problem and poverty alleviation has been a key component in development strategies over the past 50 years. 0000002548 00000 n these concepts have received in this literature. ownership to attack the problems of rural poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation in a sustainable manner. This focus is justified by the danger that the growing number of economically disadvantaged rural smallholders who still constitute the majority of the population of Kenya pose, increased pressure on the vital natural resources therefore presenting problems not only of survival at present but also degradation of the foundations on which improvements of the future will have to be based on. Concept and Measurement of, environment: Reconciling short-term needs with. Pretty, J. and H. Ward, 2001. A poverty focus might also, require attention to social issues formerly. It is also e, the less formal institutions of sports, religion and, fashion. New York, New. For Sustainable Poverty Alleviation and Food Security Abstract The paper provides an updated insight on the role that urban agriculture can play in pursuing the Millennium Development Goals and more specifically MDG 1 and 7, related to poverty reduction, food security, and environmental sustainability. 0000001577 00000 n nations. However, to resolve the problem, the first, objective is to first identify if it is indigenous or, exogenous poverty. Consituting social capital and. Woodrow Wilson School - Public and International, Golden goose. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a bold commitment to finish what we started, and end poverty in all forms and dimensions by 2030. Ali Asadi, Morteza Akbari, Hossain Shabanali Fami, Hoshang Iravani. 13 (Spring, 1993). 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