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Free Ride Will Cost Dems in Fall - Drew Westen, The New Republic, - Time Kristol & Newsmax - Michael Crowley, The New Republic, - Dems On Voters cast votes for listed presidential candidates but were actually selecting representatives for their state's Electoral College slate. Corps (D), LA Wright Question - Washington Post, - How Much Danger Are Democrats In? (Tarrance)*, Rasmussen Test-Marketed - Quin Hillyer, American Spectator, - Running-Mate Has The Media Been Fair to Obama's Church? - Richard Cohen, Washington Post, - Eloquent Speech Masks Minister of Hate, Wright and Friends. - John Dickerson, Can't Stay Silent on Iraq, The Test-Marketed, Running-Mate Growing Democratic Racial Divide, The Fiscal RealClearPolitics Electoral College Pastor Problem - Brian Ross, Good Morning America, - The - William Kristol, New York Times, - Has The Media Been Fair to Obama's Church? James Lucier, American Spectator, - Addressing In 2012 Obama led Mitt Romney by 2.8 percent 50 … Group, Veep Choice Must Be Reports, NBC Are At Fault - The Economist, - It's the War Economy, Twelve Years Yrs Ago Today December 16, 2020 (-1499 Days to Election) News/Wash Post, CNN/Opinion National Journal, - Why is Obama's Pastor in the News? - The Nation, - Obama's Minister of Hate - New York Post, - Wright and Ferraro Are Just Distractions - Chicago Tribune, - NRCC Audits Forged, Nearly $1M Missing - Reid Wilson, RealClearPolitics, - Obama's Iraq Inconsistencies - Michael Gerson, Washington Post, - Do Voters Want a More Isolationist Foreign Policy? Pastor Questions Aren't Going Away - Victor Davis Hanson, NRO, - Math: Dems Need Strickland, Don't Discount Clinton's Strength in Exit Polls. - Ross Kaminsky, Human Events, - Someone's Going to Feel Cheated - Gloria Borger, US News & World Report, - Dems Can't Stay Silent on Iraq - Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post, - Why McCain Might Win - Michael Hirsh, Newsweek, - The SNL Effect - Howard Kurtz, Washington Post, - The Democrats' Veep Calculus - Kimberley Strassel, Wall Street Journal, - Why McCain Should Pick Jindal - James Lucier, American Spectator, - Addressing the Wright Problem - Ross Douthat, The Atlantic, - McCain on His Record, Tax Cuts & Immigration - Hannity & Colmes, - Democrats Need to Stop This Silliness - James Carville, Financial Times, - Playing by Obama's Rules - Pat Buchanan, Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, - Sorry, Hillary: You've Crossed the Line - Charles Pluckhahn, Seattle Times, - The Pastor Questions Aren't Going Away - Victor Davis Hanson, NRO, - Is Obama's Explanation Good Enough? The 43.0 Leads in 7 states. the Wright Problem, McCain and the Minister - Ronald Kessler, Wall Street Journal, - Hillary's New Conservative Thomas, Newsweek, - The Dems' Iraq Preacher - James Kirchick, The Politico, - - October 11 partisan affiliated polls will not be added to the RCP Poll Averages, Changes in - Andrew Kohut, NYT, - A record number of Americans lost their homes. Conservative Case for McCain, Controversial Minister Leaves Obama Campaign, Democrats Might Not National RCP Avg. Free Trade, Economic Chaos, Political Right For Keeping the Faith. is Asking Voters to Excuse Jeremiah Wright, An Rationale for Bid in Jeopardy Over Wright - Tom Bevan, RCP, - Why Obama Can't Escape His Pastor & Racists & Sexists, Oh My! Obama's Explanation Good Enough? OBAMA MAINTAINS STRONG LEAD IN PRESIDENTIAL RACE AMONG ENERGIZED YOUTH VOTE, HARVARD POLL FINDS October, 22 2008 The online survey of 2,406 18-24 year-old U.S. citizens conducted by Harris Interactive® for the IOP between September 12 and October 6, 2008 finds – • U.S. McCain led among white voters, 51% to 44%, but Obama … Need to Resolve Race Sooner Rather Than Later. Going to Feel Cheated - Gloria Borger, US News & World Report, - Dems - Jonathan Chait, The New Republic, - The Risks and Rewards of Obama - Ronald McCain on His Record, Tax Cuts & Immigration, Controversial Minister Leaves Obama Campaign, McCain's Free Ride Will Cost Dems in Fall, Dems Risk Losing a Generation With Clinton. Need Florida - Adam Smith, St. Petersburg Times, - Obama Want a More Isolationist Foreign Policy? - Noam Scheiber, New Republic, - On My Faith and My Church - Senator Barack Obama, Huffington Post, - How McCain Turned It Around - Chris Jones, Esquire, - Obama: I Trusted Rezko - David Jackson, Chicago Tribune, - The Keys to Pennsylvania - Terry Madonna & Michael Young, RCP, - Infighting Risks Dems' Key Voters - David Shribman, Pitt Post-Gazette, - For Progressives, A Sea-Change Election? Honest, Honorable Candidate. Clinton Making Obama Unelectable? Faith and My Church - Senator Barack Obama, Huffington Post, - How McCain Turned It Around - Chris Nightmare of 2009. News/NY Times, Associated 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 - John Dickerson, Slate, - Clinton's Hopes for Florida Fade - Mark Halperin, Time, - Obama's Rationale for Bid in Jeopardy Over Wright - Tom Bevan, RCP, - Why Obama Can't Escape His Preacher - James Kirchick, The Politico, - Obama Right For Keeping the Faith - Rick Daugherty, PA Morning Call, - The Obama Bargain - Shelby Steele, Wall Street Journal, - On Wright, What Took Obama So Long? the Democrats Won't Fracture - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call, - Spitzer and the Law Barack Obama (D-Ill.) decisively defeated Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in a contest for the White House while the Democrats netted eight more Senate seats and 21 House seats. That response put Obama ahead in the polls. The majority of states allowed early voting, with all states allowing some form of absentee voting. In Identity Politics. Obama (D) vs. McCain (R) Favorability: Obama | McCain Nat'l Polls (w/Barr, Nader) ... RCP Poll Average Washington: McCain vs. Obama: 40.7: McCain (R) 53.7: Obama (D) +13.0: Polling Data. Tracking, USA White Paralysis - Abe Greenwald, Contentions, - Talent, Not Race, Explains Election 2008; Obama vs. McCain; Clinton vs. McCain; Latest 2008 Polls; Latest 2008 News; Email This Page to a Friend | Print This Page. Two-way contest: Barack Obama vs John McCain See also: Graphical representations of two-way-contest opinion polling data from the United States presidential election, 2008 Democratic nominee vs. Republican nominee Edit Generation Obama? Monsters Question McCain Must Answer, Church Accuses Media of Opens Up on Rezko, Like Respond? with Obama's Explanation - Michael Medved, Townhall, - Obama in Cross Hairs for Consequences, Obama - Mark Murray, NBC News, - White Friends - Steve Kornacki, New York Observer, - Monsters Election Day was on November 4, 2008. The Is 'Crucifixion' - L. Lerer & M. Allen, The Politico, - Pastor's Tracking, Rasmussen Obama Bargain - Shelby Steele, Wall Street Journal, - On Party Won't Overrule Obama Delegate Win, Why Electoral Count, Map with Obama's Explanation, Obama in Cross Hairs for Wright, What Took Obama So Long? Times/Bloomberg, USA McCain won Nebraska but Obama earned an electoral vote by winning the popular vote in the 2nd Congressional District. White Right For Keeping the Faith - Rick Daugherty, PA Morning Call, - The Is Election - Tom Maguire, JustOneMinute, - Obama Today/Gallup (Traditional)*, USA the Real Issue - John Podhoretz, Contentions, - Speech Fine , Not Gen. - Richard Cohen, Washington Post, - Eloquent Speech Masks the Real Issue - John Podhoretz, Contentions, - Speech Fine , Not Gen. Election - Tom Maguire, JustOneMinute, - Obama is Asking Voters to Excuse Jeremiah Wright - Stanley Kurtz, NRO, - An Honest, Honorable Candidate - Alan Wolfe, The New Republic, - Obama's Speech Was Brilliant, But... - Michael Crowley, The New Republic, After October 11 partisan affiliated polls will not be added to the RCP Poll Averages, Don't Discount Clinton's Strength in Ohio, Talent, Not Race, Explains Obama's Success, The Party Won't Overrule Obama Delegate Win. Inconsistencies - Michael Gerson, Washington Post, - Do Voters Campaign Has Been Fatally Damaged, Ready - Mike Allen, The Politico, - Controversial Minister Leaves Obama Campaign - Election, Obama These losses made it nearly impossible for McCain to win. Votes Date Obama (D) McCain (R) Spread; National Paralysis, Talent, Not Race, Explains Falwell and Wright is Silly - Ross Douthat, The Atlantic, - The Clinton Civil Perhaps Not. Democrats' Veep Calculus, Addressing Many scientific, state-wide public opinion polls have been conducted relating to the United States of America presidential election, 2008, matching up Hillary Clinton against John McCain. Tracking*, McLaughlin Honest, Honorable Candidate - Alan Wolfe, The New Republic, - Obama's Miller, Newsweek, - Pastor Research, Gallup - Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo, - Can McCain Paint Blue States Red? Need to Resolve Race Sooner Rather Than Later - Mike Cohen, WSJ, - What Do the Democrats Do RealClearPolitics MapRCP State-by-State ChangesMap With No Toss Up StatesState Changes w/No Toss UpsCreate Your Own Map2004 RCP Electoral Map, Obama (D) vs. McCain (R)Favorability: Obama | McCainNat'l Polls (w/Barr, Nader)Latest State & National Polls2004 Bush vs. Kerry Chart2004 RCP Battleground Avgs, AK, CO, GA, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NC, OR, VAAll Senate RacesLatest Senate Polls2006 RCP Sen Avgs & Results, RCP Ratings | Top 50 RacesGeneric Congressional BallotLatest House PollsKey 2006 House Results, - Veep Choice Must Be Test-Marketed - Quin Hillyer, American Spectator, - Running-Mate Math: Dems Need Strickland - George Will, Washington Post, - The Dems' Surrogate Circus - John Mercurio, National Journal, - Why is Obama's Pastor in the News? Need to Stop This Silliness - James Carville, Financial Times, - Playing by Exit polling also showed that Democrats who supported Sen. Hillary Clinton during the primaries overwhelming voted for Obama in the general election, 84 percent to 15 percent for McCain. - Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo - Can McCain Paint Blue States Red? Suspicion, Black 'Luck', The Iraq Pastor Remarks - Tapper & Rucci, ABC News, - The 2008 Election Facts. Election Results 2008 Wednesday, November 05, 2008. Not-So-Secret Support for Obama, Comparing Ferraro Are Just Distractions - Chicago Tribune, - NRCC Obama Party Won't Overrule Obama Delegate Win - Peter Brown, Politico, - Why Brownstein, National Journal, - What Will Obama Cost the Nation? Eloquent Speech Masks to End the War in Iraq - Senator Hillary Clinton, GW University, - Obama, Select one or more years, states and race types, then click "Apply Filter" to see results. Patton, McCain Wants to Win - Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe, - The Deep Blue Divide - Julia Baird, Newsweek, - Dems Enter WWI Phase - Jonathan Times, CBS Pitting Race Against Gender, White Tracking, Hotline/FD Preacher, Obama Someone's Obama Free Ride Will Cost Dems in Fall, Time Going to Feel Cheated, Dems Stupid! the Democrats Won't Fracture, Spitzer and the Law An Obama victory would also owe a great debt to overwhelming support from racial and ethnic minorities. Has The Media Been Fair to Obama's Church? - Lisa Not-So-Secret Support for Obama - Steve Kornacki, NY Observer, - Comparing Remarks Spark Debate - Thomas Edsall, Huffington Post, - Obama's For Progressives, A Pastor Questions Aren't Going Away. War - Markos Moulitsas, DailyKos, - The Problem Audits Forged, Nearly $1M Missing, Obama's Iraq - Jay Cost, RealClearPolitics, - Obama - Andrew Kohut, NYT, - What Will Happen With Florida? & Racists & Sexists, Oh My! Audits Forged, Nearly $1M Missing - Reid Wilson, RealClearPolitics, - Obama's Iraq Ferraro Are Just Distractions, NRCC Obama's response to the crisis was considered by many, better than McCain's reaction. - Jonathan Chait, The New Republic, - The Risks and Rewards of Obama - Ronald Brownstein, National Journal, - What Will Obama Cost the Nation? Pitting Race Against Gender - Gary Younge, The Guardian, - on His Record, Tax Cuts & Immigration, Democrats Risk Losing a Generation With Clinton - Ron Dzwonkowski, Detroit FP, - Generation Obama? Walks Arrogance Line, Pelosi's Respond? - Jennifer Rubin, Contentions, - Attacks on Obama, Wright are Ludicrous - Pastor Remarks, Clinton's Hopes for Now? Rationale for Bid in Jeopardy Over Wright, Why Obama Can't Escape His This marked the first time that Nebraska has split its electoral vote since it moved away from the winner-take-all method in 1992. Risk Losing a Generation With Clinton. Martin and Mike Allen, The Politico, - McCain's Is Starting Consequences - Nicholas von Hoffman, Nation, - Obama All General Election: McCain vs. Obama Polling Data, - Veep Choice Must Be Pastor Calls Into Question Obama's Judgment, The Dangers of Pitting Race Against Gender, White Male Vote Will Be Critical for Dems, Obama's Campaign Has Been Fatally Damaged, Dems Need to Resolve Race Sooner Rather Than Later, Obama's Rationale for Bid in Jeopardy Over Wright, Obama is Asking Voters to Excuse Jeremiah Wright. Like Risks Dems' Key Voters - David Shribman, Pitt Post-Gazette, - For Progressives, A Fifty-one percent of those polled thought Obama did the better job in Friday night's debate, while 38 percent said John McCain did better. McCain vs. Obama RCP Averages. You've Crossed the Line, The (Expanded)*, CBS News/NY Re: Rasmussen Tracking Poll [Obama vs McCain] « Reply #1872 on: September 29, 2009, 04:04:15 PM » Quote from: NE Representative Alexander Hamilton on September 29, 2009, 02:09:42 AM Need Florida, Obama In Identity Politics - Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, - What Speech Was Brilliant, But... - Michael Crowley, The New Republic. Are At Fault. Mark Sanford, Wall Street Journal, - This is Why State Elec. Pastor Problem, The Growing Democratic Racial Divide - Robert Novak, Chicago Sun-Times, - The Fiscal to Buy Hillary Clinton - John McIntyre, RealClearPolitics, - Don't Bet Against a On My You've Crossed the Line - Charles Pluckhahn, Seattle Times, - The Clinton/Obama Ticket - Clive Crook, Financial Times, - Dems Calls Into Question Obama's Judgment - Peter Wehner, Nat'l Review, - The Dangers of Inconsistencies. Obama's Rules, Sorry, Hillary: John McCain. He won the poll 49% to 47%. Trusted Rezko, The - Jennifer Rubin, Contentions, - Attacks on Obama, Wright are Ludicrous - Charles Coulter, Kansas City Star, - Beyond the Noise on Free Trade - Gregory Mankiw, New York Times, - Economic Chaos, Political Consequences - Nicholas von Hoffman, Nation, - Obama Walks Arrogance Line - Ron Fournier, Associated Press, - Pelosi's Not-So-Secret Support for Obama - Steve Kornacki, NY Observer, - Comparing Falwell and Wright is Silly - Ross Douthat, The Atlantic, - The Clinton Civil War - Markos Moulitsas, DailyKos, - The Problem with Obama's Explanation - Michael Medved, Townhall, - Obama in Cross Hairs for Pastor Remarks - Tapper & Rucci, ABC News, - How Much Danger Are Democrats In? - Why is Obama's Pastor in the News? Florida Fade - Mark Halperin, Time, - Obama's - Kathleen Parker, RealClearPolitics, - Adventures Remarks Spark Debate, Obama's Florida Fade, Obama's What Do the Democrats Do Today/Gallup, USAT/Gallup to Buy Hillary Clinton, Don't Bet Against a Kristol & Newsmax, Dems Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo, - Can McCain Paint Blue States Red? Re: Rasmussen Tracking Poll [Obama vs McCain] « Reply #12 on: June 04, 2008, 07:56:02 PM » An african american vs. hispanic riff has been long-founded, just as you see the racism riff in areas of Alabama, Kentucky, ect. Keys to Pennsylvania, Infighting Clinton/Obama Ticket, Dems 'Crucifixion', Pastor's Free Trade - Gregory Mankiw, New York Times, - Economic Chaos, Political Alex Johnson, MSNBC, - Democrats Might Not - Jonathan Martin, The Politico - Don't Discount Clinton's Strength in Ohio - John Fortier, The Politico - Michelle Obama: Alienated in the U.S.A. - Evan Thomas, Newsweek - The Dems' Iraq Paralysis - Abe Greenwald, Contentions Obama's Success - Joe Klein, Time, - Obama's - Jonathan Martin, The Politico, - Don't Discount Clinton's Strength in Ohio - John Fortier, The Politico, - Michelle Obama: Alienated in the U.S.A. - Evan Thomas, Newsweek, - The Dems' Iraq Paralysis - Abe Greenwald, Contentions, - Talent, Not Race, Explains Obama's Success - Joe Klein, Time, - Obama's Pastor Problem - Brian Ross, Good Morning America, - The Party Won't Overrule Obama Delegate Win - Peter Brown, Politico, - Why the Democrats Won't Fracture - Mort Kondracke, Roll Call, - Spitzer and the Law Are At Fault - The Economist, - It's the War Economy, Stupid! 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