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Stats NZ and the 2018 Census External Data Quality Panel (EDQP) have produced a rating system to help the users understand the quality-related issues and impacts of the 2018 Census dataset. (p.13) Statistics New Zealand identifies European, Māori, Pacific, Asian and MeLAA (Middle Eastern, Latin American and African) as New Zealand’s main ethnic groups. ISBN 978-0-9864682-2-3 This document is available at: the person is also counted once in the number of ethnic groups specified variable as ‘3 – Three’. Edits were run to improve the quality of data, in particular for responses received from paper forms. Māori can have less capacity to respond to environmental risks. Data was evaluated to assess whether it meets quality standards and is suitable for use. • Years since arrival in New Zealand, for the overseas-born • Ethnic group (grouped total responses) • Six languages (total responses) • Māori descent . 2. Ethnicity is a multiple response variable. Stats NZ defined ethnicity as a measure of cultural affiliation, not measured by race, ancestry, nationality or citizenship. For example: The data quality checks for the ethnicity included cross-variable checks to the SA2 level of geography, for the census usually resident population. I don’t view American as an ethnicity but as a nationality. There are several reasons. The most recent New Zealand census was taken in 2013. Pacific peoples have disproportionately low incomes compared to other people, which may make them less able to cope with the effects of environmental hazards. The geographies correspond to 2013 Census boundaries. PO Box 756 The question about ethnicity asks what ethnic group you belong to, and allows you to choose more than one. The 2018 Census was held on 6 March 2018. Statistics NZ released aggregated, confidentialised data from the 2006 Census including information on age, ethnicity, income, workplace, dwelling size and other variables. Ask in the right way. Please find attached response as requested. This question applies to all people in New Zealand on census night. In 2018, the majority of people identified as being Māori in the territorial authorities of Chatham Islands (66.1% of the population), Wairoa (65.7%), Ōpōtiki (63.7%), Kawerau (61.7%), and Gisborne (52.9%) (Figure 1). URL: (accessed 24/08/20). The census is usually held every five years, but in 2011 New Zealand suffered from a major earthquake, which pushed the 2011 census back to 2013. Percentage of ‘not elsewhere included’ for the census night population: 2013 Census data user guide provides more information about non-response in the 2013 Census. Kia ora Jonathan Thank you for your Official Information request regarding briefing/discussion papers related to the possible inclusion of Ashkenazi Jewish as an ethnic profile in Stats NZ Census of population and dwellings. Both methods are included in the ‘statistical imputation’ percentage in the data sources table above. The U.S. Census Bureau must adhere to the 1997 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standards on race and ethnicity which guide the Census Bureau in classifying written responses to the race question: White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Data quality processes section below has more detail on the rating for this variable. Going by the 2013 census that puts me in a small minority, just 2.1% of people in Otago were New Zealanders, and 1.6% nationwide. Priority 1 variables are core census variables that have the highest priority in terms of quality, time, and resources across all phases of a census. Income and ethnic groups Ethnic group and highest incomes . Note: In the 2006 Census, the 'New Zealand' responses were classified under 'Other ethnicity', resulting in a noticeable difference between the 2006 and other census years. census aims to be a national count of all individuals in a population while other sources measuring this variable are only based upon a subset of the population. Ethnicity, national identity and ‘New Zealanders’: considerations for monitoring Māori health and ethnic inequalities. But there is a difference between NZ … 1992). a person had to select one of the ethnicity options in order to proceed. The 2018 Census was a modernised census based on models used in 2016 by the Canadian and Australian statistical agencies and then applied in the New Zealand context. Births register, Department of Internal Affairs, Qualification enrolments and courses, Ministry of Education, the percentage of ethnicity data which is from 2013 Census data, admin data, and imputation for specific population groups will differ from that for the overall subject population, data from admin sources and the 2013 Census has been collected at various points in time and may not necessarily reflect the ethnicities they identified with on census night (for example a person is assigned an ethnicity at birth but may now be old enough to provide it themselves), the Births Register can only be used to source ethnicity for individuals born after 01 September 1995, when ethnicity was added. Where appropriate, we used responses from the 2013 census to replace missing responses at level four of the classification. The way the census defines ethnicity makes it difficult for an American born White person like me to decide what to put on it. An important group for consideration in New Zealand’s census work is the Māori, the indigenous people of New Zealand. This would includ… Information from the official census helps determine how billions of dollars of government funding are spent across the country. The External Data Quality Panel has provided an independent assessment of the quality of this variable and has rated it as moderate quality. In recent previous censuses, non-response was the percentage of the subject population coded to ‘not stated’. For the ethnicity total response output variable, an individual can be counted in as many ethnic groups as they choose. As a result of this change in methodology for the 2018 Census, time series data should be interpreted with care. 26 ‘Other Pacific Peoples’ classifications in the 2013 Census, such as Admiralty Islander and Easter Islander are now grouped as ‘Other Pacific Peoples nec’. 2019 CENSUS OF BOARD DIVERSITY IN AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND BY GENDER AND ETHNICITY The 2019 census on the boards of Aotearoa New Zealand’s top 100 companies by market capitalisation shows stalled progress towards gender and ethnic diversity. RNZ – Census 2018: Stats NZ sets September release for ‘robust’ data. EHI have decided to update the population statistics on this webpage, based on the documentation relating to these indicators. The estimated resident population of the Māori ethnic group is based on the census usually resident population count of the Māori ethnic group with adjustments for Māori residents missed or counted more than once by the census (net census undercount), for Māori residents temporarily overseas on census night and for non-response to the census ethnicity question. In 2001 the census reverted to the 1991 question, and this question was retained for the 2006 Census (Figure 2.1). Stats NZ and the 2018 Census External Data Quality Panel (EDQP) have produced a rating system to help the users understand the quality-related issues and impacts of the 2018 Census dataset. While the census “help notes” informed respondents that ethnicity is not nationality, some examples given in the form comprise both ethnic groups and countries. According to Boyd … … Some ethnic groups are more susceptible to environmental changes than others. The ‘no information’ percentage in the data sources table is where we were not able to source data for a person in the subject population. It combined the two census questions about race and Hispanic origin required by the current federal standards into one question, with "Hispanic, Latino, or … 2014. New Zealand has a diverse ethnic mix. Other territorial authorities with larger communities of Pacific peoples include Porirua (14,870 people, 26.3%), Christchurch (14,180 people, 3.8%), Lower Hutt (12,000, 11.5%), Wellington (10,390 people, 5.1%) and Hamilton (9,740 people, 6.1%) (Figure 2). These maps can help answer questions about the population density of New Zealand's suburbs, towns and cities, as well as the ethnic diversity within these places. Each source that contributes to the output for that variable is then multiplied by the proportion it contributes to the total output. Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge those whose prior work and theorising contributed to the direction of this paper. Currently, 86.8 % of the population of New Zealand is urban (4,150,968 people in 2019) Population Density The 2019 population density in New Zealand is 18 people per Km 2 (47 people per mi 2 ), calculated on a total land area of 263,310 Km2 (101,665 sq. The boards and management of the top 100 companies remain overwhelmingly male and Pākehā/European. For more information, please refer to the Ethnicity page on the Stats NZ Census website. Environmental Health By 1976 the census form had been altered to give categories for 'full NZ Maori' and fractions of Māori ethnicity such as '1/8 Maori'. More than a quarter of people (27.4 percent) were born overseas, according to the 2018 census. The fact that NZ European is a separate category … Where this is not possible, information is coded to level two or to level three. Twitter; Facebook; LinkedIn; Email; Export. New Zealand has more ethnicities than there are countries in the world, the 2013 census has revealed. Ethnicity and ethnic data is collected by Statistics New Zealand through the Census. In 2006, the highest median annual personal incomes for people who were aged 15 years and over and usually living in New Zealand on census night were for those who identified with the: Other Ethnicity category ($31,200). When it was not possible to use 2013 Census responses or admin data, we used within household donor imputation, finding the person closest of age in the usual residence and copying their ethnicity. Ethnicity is a core variable used by government, local authorities and research organisations to: We used alternative data sources for missing census responses and responses that could not be classified or did not provide the type of information asked for. A lack of staff and paper forms in some communities resulted in just 68 percent of Māori completing the census, which was conducted online for the first time. However, it was possible to select ‘other’ without providing an answer to the free text-box. Incomes tables. Percentage of ‘not stated’ for the census night population: Responses that could not be classified or did not provide the type of information asked for, such as ‘response unidentifiable’ and ‘response outside of scope’, remain in the data where we were unable to find information from another source. The panel endorsed Stats NZ's decision not to publish iwi data due to the insufficient quality and noted "in this regard Stats NZ have not met their Treaty obligations to Māori". The rating for a valid census response is defined as 1.00. I’m not the same ethnicity as a Black or Asian American. They were asked to identify themselves as European, Māori, another ethnic group, or a combination of these. Provide a sampling base, alongside the 2018 Māori descent population, for Te Kupenga (the Māori Social Survey). Massey University – Wellington Campus miles). However, it is important to note that the impact of the mode (online or paper) on data quality may vary across ethnic groups. More than 65,000 people identified their ethnicity simply as 'New Zealander', while 81 refused to answer and 222 said they didn't know. Ethnicity is a priority 1 variable. The Census variable of 'ethnicity' had an EDQP … The geography corresponds to 2018 boundaries. The census usually resident population count of New Zealand is a … The use of admin enumeration means ethnicity data was available for people who may have previously been missed from the census. PDF; The Census population of Dunedin City in 2018 was 126,255. It is a measure of cultural affiliation (in contrast to race, ancestry, nationality, or citizenship). guidance could be provided for the individual form with a definition of ethnicity and a link for further assistance, if respondents selected the ‘show help’ option, the form included as-you-type functionality which helped respondents provide valid, detailed responses, if there was no match to the as-you-type list, respondents could provide their free-text response, up to a maximum of 50 characters, respondents could add up to six other ethnicities in separate free text fields. Māori are the indigenous population of New Zealand. Earnings for people in paid employment by region, sex, age groups and ethnic groups; Earnings from main wage and salary job by industry (ANZSIC 2006), sex, age groups, and ethnic … Ethnicity data was assessed for consistency with expectations and time series for the usually resident subject population. Number of ethnicity codes reported Ethnicity_1 Ethnicity_2 Ethnicity_3 Comment; 3 codes: 99: 21: 10: Cannot have 99 as ethnicity_1 when there are valid codes in ethnicity_2 or ethnicity_3: 3 codes: 21: 11: 11: Entry in Ethnicity_3 not required, it is the same as the code in Ethnicity_2: 3 codes: 21: 11: 21 In the most recent New Zealand census in 2013, 74 percent of the population identified as … The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings (Māori: Te Tatauranga o ngā Tāngata Huri Noa i Aotearoa me ō rātou Whare Noho) is a national population and housing census conducted by government department Statistics New Zealand every five years. Ethnicity is self-perceived and a person can belong to Statistics NZ released aggregated, confidentialised data from the 2006 Census including information on age, ethnicity, income, workplace, dwelling size and other variables. For the census night population count, ‘not elsewhere included’ contains the residual categories of ‘response unidentifiable’, ‘response outside of scope’, ‘don’t know’ and ‘refused to answer’, alongside ‘not stated’. Pacific peoples living in New Zealand may also be at higher risk from environmental hazards. More than a quarter of the population was born overseas (27.4%). Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Stats NZ on Ethnicity: Statistics about ethnicity give information by the ethnic groups that people identify with or feel they belong to. The New Zealand Census of Population and Dwellings (Māori: Te Tatauranga o ngā Tāngata Huri Noa i Aotearoa me ō rātou Whare Noho) is a national population and housing census conducted by government department Statistics New Zealand every five years. that the 2006 Census use the same ethnicity question as that used in the 2001 Census ; that Statistics New Zealand continue to educate respondents, users and producers of ethnicity data about the concept of ethnicity ; that a comprehensive programme of research into the measurement of ethnicity in official statistics be completed by the end of 2009 "When it comes to ethnicity, lots of New Zealanders think of themselves as Pākehā, rather than NZ European," Hosking said. Wellington: Te Puni Kōkiri. The Census variable of 'ethnicity' had an EDQP rating of 'moderate', particularly for levels of the ethnicity classification below Level 1 (note that Level 1 ethnic groups are presented on this webpage) [3]. For the ethnicity single and combination response variable, individuals are counted once in the single or combination category that applies to them. There are separate questions in the Census about national identity and religion. The Census 2018 External Data Quality Panel (the panel) today released the first of two independent reports on the quality of data from 2018 Census. In the early period of census data collection it was standard … At the highest levels of geography, ethnicity data has only minor data quality issues. For output purposes, as with the 2013 and 2006 Censuses, these residual category responses are grouped with ‘not stated’ and are classified as ‘not elsewhere included’. AAP December 10, 2013 1:24pm Total response output shows the counts of all responses given for each ethnic group (see Glossary and references).Output tables need to state how many ethnicities are output per person as the number of ethnic groups recorded may differ between collections. Many other sources do not provide detail at this level. The total score then determines the metric rating according to the following range: At level two of the ethnicity classification, 2013 Census data was highly comparable to census responses, while admin data was broadly comparable to census forms. EHI have decided to update the population statistics on this webpage, based on the documentation relating to these indicators. More than a quarter of the population was born overseas (27.4%). Using this question consistently gives us the ability to compare across datasets and over time. People are encouraged to write in their ethnicity using their own words if they don’t identify with any groups in the list. Birthplace (New Zealand/overseas) and ethnic group (grouped total responses) by languages spoken (17 languages), 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses Ethnic group (detailed single and combination) by age and sex, for the census usually resident population count, 2013 and 2018 Censuses We have assessed the quality of all the data sources that contribute to the output for the variable. In 2018, the percentage of ‘not stated’ for the usually resident population is zero due to the use of the additional data sources described above. Wellington: Te Rōpū Rangahau Hauora a Eru Pōmare. and ethnicity), changes to the ways in which forms are processed, and an increased reliance on government administrative data and statistical methods of imputation (Stats NZ, 2017a, 2018a, 2018e, 2018f). Level four has 180 categories and five residual categories. … The second will be … 2001, 2006 & 2013 Census years, number of people. An ethnic group is made up of people who have some or all of the following characteristics: The key output variables derived from ethnicity are: We assign a priority level to all census variables: Priority 1, 2, or 3 (with 1 being highest and 3 being the lowest priority). Part B: Regional Aspects Contribution of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The census priority level for ethnicity remains the same as 2013. EDQP. However, ethnicity is also output as a single response variable, for people who reported only one ethnicity, and as a combination response variable, for people who reported more than one ethnicity. Ethnic group indicators are derived at level one of the ethnicity classification, such as the Māori ethnic group indicator and Pacific Peoples ethnic group indicator. Other changes to the method of collection led to expected variation at the lower levels of the classification. Māori can be more exposed to environmental risks, for example second-hand smoke (in part due to the higher smoking rate among Māori). 2018 Census Individual (part 1) total New Zealand by Statistical Area 1 - Stats NZ | | GIS Map Data Datafinder Geospatial Statistics - Download GIS data as Shapefile (SHP), DWG, MapInfo, CSV, Google Earth (KML). Ethnic groups of people residing in Christchurch City, New Zealand 2001, 2006 & 2013 Census years, number of people. Level two has 21 categories and five residual categories. Thyroid eye disease (TED), also known as thyroid-associated orbitopathy or Graves’ orbitopathy, is an inflammatory condition resulting in cicatricial effects within the orbit. Key considerations when comparing ethnicity information from the 2018 Census with other sources include: Contact our Information Centre for further information about using this variable. It is also used by councils, community groups, iwi (Māori tribes or collectives) and businesses to plan for the future, and it helps the government make decisions about which services are needed and which locations should be prioritised. Nearest neighbour statistical imputation was performed if no information about the person from the household was available. once in the category of Pacific Peoples and once as European, at level one of the classification for the total response variable and the grouped total response output, twice at level four of the classification for the ethnicities within the Pacific grouping, and once in the level four German classification, once in the Pacific Peoples ethnic group indicator as ‘Pacific Peoples and at least one other ethnic group’, once in the European ethnic group indicator as ‘European and at least one other ethnic group’, the person is counted in all other ethnic group indicators once, for example Māori ethnic group indicator: ‘0 – Non-Māori’. Ngâ mihi Stallah Valaau … To calculate a data sources and coverage quality score for a variable, each data source is rated and multiplied by the proportion it contributes to the total output. Te Puni Kōkiri. However, processing checks and edits were in place to improve quality of the paper forms. This represents a 5.3% gain in the 7 years between censuses. It is a measure of cultural affiliation (in contrast to race, ancestry, nationality, or citizenship). In general, Māori have strong and supportive iwi, whānau, and community networks. Initial Report of the 2018 Census External Data Quality Panel. There has been an ethnicity question in the Census since 1991. Stats, data service, datafinder, Census, geospatial, statistics,, nz, govt, New Zealand OIA0205 Jonathan Census Ethnicity Ashkenazi.pdf 221K Download View as HTML. Whangarei District Council Community profile. However, data on ethnicity is usually output for the census usually resident subject population. The census is one of New Zealand’s most important data sources and much of the census data is released for re-use. European ethnic … The six major ethnic groups in New Zealand, 2006, 2013, and 2018 Censuses We can use the 2018 Census ethnic group summaries to learn more about one of our smallest population groups – MELAA. all 12 Cook Islands Maori Census 2013 classifications, such as Aitutaki islander and Rarotongan, are now grouped as ‘Cook Islands Maori’ in the 2018 Census. The census also contains questions on Māori ancestry (Figure 2.2) and iwi affiliation, which provide other ways of measuring Māori … Incomes. 1. What is not clear from the information generally put out for public consumption is that your answer is then moderated using a hierarchy of ethnicity. monitor the demographic, social and economic progress of ethnic groups, evaluate the impact of government policies on the economic and social well-being of ethnic groups, allocate funds and plan services directed at the special needs of ethnic groups in areas such as education, housing, health and social welfare, measure, monitor and evaluate programme uptake and effectiveness by ethnicity. Asian ethnicities such as Mongolian and Bhutanese. Some variation is possible primarily due to the introduction of administrative data in 2018. some level four categories could be combined for a more consistent time series. New Zealand, About population and environmental health, Social vulnerability indicators for natural hazards, People with a chronic health condition or disability, Māori and Pacific peoples are more vulnerable to environmental risks, Share. Population information from the census helps determine how billions of dollars of government funding is spent in the community. Provide denominator data for the calculation of ethnic specific-rates for a wide range of topics, for example fertility, mortality, morbidity, and inequality. Find information by the ethnic groups that people identify with or feel they belong to. According to the census, Indian is an ethnicity, regardless of whether the Indian person was born in NZ, India, or elsewhere. This section describes the ethnic distribution of the New Zealand population. data has been assessed to be consistent at SA2 level of geography and the higher levels of classification. (opens a new window) Community profile Social atlas Population forecast However, for output and time series continuity, the responses were reduced to a maximum of six per person. Standard output Ethnicity total response standard output. Ethnicity is the ethnic group or groups a person identifies with or has a sense of belonging to, and is independent of birthplace. Hosking said he wanted Stats NZ to include both options in the next census. The independent External Data Quality Panel has endorsed the statistical approaches used by Stats NZ to mitigate non-response. 10 October 2014 A snapshot of New Zealand’s legal profession on Tuesday 5 March 2013 shows that a higher proportion of lawyers were of European ethnicity than the working population of New Zealand. Report; License; Save; Download; About this data. The 2018 Census had a lower than expected response rate, resulting in Stats NZ introducing new methods to produce the dataset, including using data from alternative sources. This is because they are a member of the census night subject population but are coded to zero for ethnicities that they don't identify with. A Time for Change in Māori Economic Development. Produce population estimates and projections for level 1 ethnic groups (European, Māori, Pacific Peoples, Asian, MELAA and other). For example, 2018 now includes categories previously grouped under level four ‘not elsewhere classified’ (nec), for example: Examples of other classifications changes at level four of the classification are: The Standards and Classifications page provides background information on classifications and standards. 3 In 1991 the share increased to 4%, prompting some commentators to ponder whether Canadian was an “evolving indigenous category” (Pryor et al. This chart has been replaced. For the 2006 census, respondents were allowed to complete all questions in either English or Māori. more than one ethnic group. Going by the 2013 census that puts me in a small minority, just 2.1% of people in Otago were New Zealanders, and 1.6% nationwide. Population, dwellings & ethnicity. The standard ethnicity question (Figure 1: 2001 Census ethnicity question) should always be used. The quality of coding and responses within classification categories is high. At least one ethnicity is concentrated in the number of ethnic groups are more susceptible to environmental,! Remain overwhelmingly male and Pākehā/European Auckland ( 243,970 Pacific people, families, households or! Has a sense of belonging to March 2018 27.4 percent ) were born overseas 27.4! Census usual resident population count, by territorial authority, 2018 ( % of the population born. Of Dunedin City in 2018, the Māori population is concentrated in the upper and central North Island 3. That contributes to the method of collection led to expected variation at the highest of... 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