Religion since the beginning has acquired an indomitable space in the Indian subcontinent as it served as a psychological anchor to the tormented Indian mind, which was amidst poverty and a struggle for freedom. Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity. Self Transcendence-is the belief that there is a force outside of and greater than the person. OVERVIEW OF THEORIES OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR & THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT APPLICATIONS TO SOCIAL WORK GENERALIST PRACTICE The following is a very general outline summarizing the theories covered in the NCSSS foundation classes of SSS 571: Human Behavior & the Social Environment. If one's idealism remains abstract and not tied to any practical methods for their actualization, the individual risks becoming an idealist-in-reverse with unfortunate consequences for both the individual and society. Building on the success of the first edition, the new edition provides timely updates and additional theoretical grounding for integrating a theistic, spiritual strategy into mainstream psychology. The editors have covered a variety of topics to help understand meaning, purpose, and our way through the suffering that comes with being human. A review of how to stimulate and assess spiritual development is also included. Taken together, they highlight a number of important trends that have arisen in psychology’s interaction with religion and spirituality. %PDF-1.4 %���� Psychological Theories Of Religion Psychological Theories Of Religion by James Forsyth. A significant group by time interaction (p = 0.029) indicated that after the intervention, participants in the mind-body program showed a significant increase in NETI scores (p < 0.03), which was sustained 1 month later (p < 0.01). 0000004669 00000 n The purpose of this case study was to investigate how four American Atheist/Agnostic (A/A) elementary pre-service teachers (PSTs) planned, taught, and reflected on a world religions field experience with 7th-grade students, as well as to examine the role self- and professional-identity. Integral Yoga Psychology: Clinical Correlations, The spiritual revolution in India from the ritual to the spiritual Indian: Factors shaping spiritual seeking in modern Indians, Assessing the Effects of Childhood Multitype Maltreatment on Adult Spirituality, The Spiritual Beliefs and Quality of Life of Cancer Patients : A Correlational Inquiry, Change in Sense of Nondual Awareness and Spiritual Awakening in Response to a Multidimensional Well-Being Program, The perceived effects of psycho-spiritual integrative therapy and community support groups on coping with breast cancer: a qualitative analysis, Characteristics of Atheist Pre-Service Elementary Teachers. 1. risk-taking behavior. Review of book, P. Scott Richards and Allen E. Bergin (Au.) 0000000016 00000 n endstream endobj 529 0 obj <>/Outlines 51 0 R/Metadata 72 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 69 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/OCProperties<>/OCGs[530 0 R]>>/StructTreeRoot 74 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20100311231620)/PageLabels 67 0 R>> endobj 530 0 obj <. Due to philosophical ignorance on the part of some scientists, materialism is constantly put forward as a scientific fact when actually it is an unproven and unprovable hypothesis, because it cannot be subjected to experimental testing, ... With the rational and skeptic mindset, religion has paved way for spirituality for the modern Indian who is searching for tools to work with selfactualization and growth. There is a growing interest in changing lifestyle patterns and the use of spiritual tools as a corrective measure for self-evolution. This is the easiest and sweetest mode of the spiritual path. clinically oriented work would be useful. Thirty five diagnosed male and 25 female cancer patients and 40 normal healthy male and 20 female participants constituted the samples for the study. Continued research regarding the effects of experiencing multiple types of childhood maltreatment is necessary in gauging the impact of such experiences on survivors. Basing his model on the theories of Piaget and Kohlberg, Fowler describes the stages through which individuals pass as their faith matures. religion and spirituality, and, drawing from the works of Horton (1950) and Smith (1992), introduce a generic definition of God as a higher power and a continuum upon which atheistic, humanistic, theistic, and pantheistic definitions of God can be placed. Pursuing the endeavour to develop an in depth understanding into the nature and dynamics of spirituality will constitute an important contribution to the disciplines of health and psychology. Semi-structured interviews and participant self-analyses served as data sources, which were used to categorize the PSTs into Silverâs (2013) typology of nonbelief. Mystical Spirituality . Types of Spirituality . mind. 0000002349 00000 n Theory application & integration with practice are demonstrated. ous at certain points, and higher energies. Getting in touch with yourselves is the core principle of spirituality and there are various paths for a person to achieve that. The findings suggest the need for further study regarding the effects of experiencing multiple types of childhood maltreatment, the most accurate methods of assessing those effects on survivors, and the relationship between multitype maltreatment and spirituality. 0000004919 00000 n beginnings of modern psychology to the mid-20th century, from analytic to existential theoretical orientations, and from non-theistic (Jung) to overtly theistic (Kunkel) worldviews. Thus, health status, spiritual beliefs and gender of the participants were observed to play crucial role in shaping the quality of life of the participants. Therefore this paper embeds intuition in the domain of spirituality for understanding entrepreneursâ use of intuition. However, those who have taken this course often use the word "spiritual" to refer to the more subjective and psychological range of experiences that they may have with respect to the ultimate nature of consciousness and reality, ... A second form of spirituality involves conscious integration with that part of oneself that is seen as pure and sacred. After summarizing recent developments in integrative medicine that have brought transpersonal themes into the mainstream of contemporary healthcare, the transformational paradigm of IYP is used to articulate a spiritually-informed approach to psychology and psychiatry. Existential psychology, especially its relationship with religion and spirituality, is frequently misunderstood in the literature. trailer religion; the importance of spirituality in as a component of life success. It examines some of the major clinical traditions in existence today and looks to their relevance from a transpersonal perspective. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. ... 1,2 Although there exists an incredibly wide range of meditative practices and philosophies in the context of numerous spiritual traditions, the majority emphasize cultivating such a perceptual shift away from a predominate ego self-identification. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. How is intuition acquired? The fact that spiritual experiences have an effect on autonomic function as well as other cortically mediated cognitive and emotional processes suggests that such experiences not only affect the human psyche but also may be utilized to assist in the therapy of various disorders. theists can make the latter statements and mean them. This force goes beyond space and time f Spirituality offers a sense of connectedness intrapersonally (connected within oneself) Interpersonally (connected with others and the environment) and Transpers… mental health; 528 27 0000001279 00000 n The term "atheism" designates a lack of belief in a god(s) (Smith, 1979;Bramlett, 2012); whereas, "agnostic" refers to a lack of knowledge about god(s), This essay addresses the familial, religious, and cultural context for the writing and presentation of William James' classic work The Varieties of Religious Experience. the division’s name was changed to Psychology of Religion. source. Spearman’s Two-Factor Theory 4. It is an indispensable reference tool for both students and specialists, written by an international team of Jungian analysts and scholars from various disciplines. xref 0000002530 00000 n The nonreligious PSTs were drawn to teaching due to their love of learning, and they intend to promote critical thinking and tolerance in their classrooms; however, 13 (87%) wof the PSTs expressed concern about the negative impact their lack of religion might have on their careers and intend to keep their lack of belief private. Piaget Theory of Development 2. The future directions for future research have been stated at the end. 4 Because both the This text surveys major theorists in the psychology of religion--S. Freud, C.G. 0000005836 00000 n Background: Few studies have assessed the efficacy of interventions that specifically address the unmet spiritual needs of cancer patients. An increased interest in the effects of religion and spirituality on health is apparent in the psychological and medical literature. 0000009131 00000 n Finally, a range of real-world issues are discussed, including cross-cultural considerations, the structure of healthcare systems, the stigma of mental illness, and psychopharmacology. These findings have significant implications for health professionals, psychologists and laymen. The fifteen essays set Jung in the context of his own time, outline the current practice and theory of Jungian psychology and show how Jungians continue to question and evolve his thinking and apply it to aspects of modern culture and psychoanalysis. Spirituality entails the capacity to see life as it is--wholly, including the tragic existential realities of evil, suffering, death and the daimonic--and to love life nonetheless. This article outlines the philosophical background to spiritual psychology and selectively reviews Western and Eastern literature on the subject. Resort setting. ADVERTISEMENTS: List of popular theories of psychology: 1. 3 The Model Individuals are randomly paired to play a one-shot … Spirituality is a difficult concept to define. Contemporary spiritual psychology is then summarized with reference to recent literature on theistic psychotherapy, Buddhist psychology, mind-body medicine, and transpersonal psychology. The world views of theism, atheism, and agnosticism are defined and critiqued, and the boundaries of scientific knowledge discussed. He references a stunning variety of texts (from Freud and Allport to Karen Armstrong and Paul Tillich) reflecting the evolution of these ideas over the decades, to emphasize both the complexity of the issues and the enduring lack of easy answers. stated the argument even more explicitly when he wrote: into matter of a spiritual reality), they do at least provide a. basis for entertaining the hypothesis that they might. Cor.8:6 (New International Version) “Yet for us there is but one God, the… Cannon’s Theory 6. Finally, a brief clinical vignette is given. Some theories, for example, have cen-tered on ego development, autonomy, and self-awareness as they affect and are affected by rela-tionships to others (Conn, 1993; Fowler, 1981, 1994). A recognized model of spirituality needs to be developed in order for social work professionals to incorporate spirituality into practice, research, policy, and education. 0000003775 00000 n A/A teachers are likely to feel isolated and marginalized, which are key factors in teachers leaving the profession. 0000005176 00000 n This review, therefore, must of necessity be selective rather than exhaustive. In further considering a neuropsychological and neuroevolutionary approach to the study of religious and spiritual experiences, it is important to consider two major avenues toward attaining such experiences: group ritual and individual contemplation or meditation. Ƽ��:pij4�je*��f�PŖp�yA�#����lk�47{�vf`�e ��-�10� i`|�0������|� ˓��z�O@d` dcT: Such expressions leads us to the exploration of the concept of intuition in the field of spirituality as this field addresses the inner aspects of our mind. All Rights Reserved. What do people know about their intuition? This exploratory qualitative study sought to address this gap by comparing the subjective effects of Psycho-Spiritual Integrative Therapy (PSIT) groups and community-based support groups on coping and post-traumatic growth among women diagnosed with breast cancer. %%EOF DC: American Psychological Association, 1996:533, reduction program in the treatment of anxiety. Spirituality in Clinical Practice: Incorporating the Spiritual Dimension in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Teaching residents about religion and spirituality, The neuropsychology of spiritual experience, William James' The Varieties of Religious Experience Revisited, Humanizing an Inhumane World: The Role of Transpersonal Humanism, Psychology, Religion, and the Nature of the Soul, Hypnosis and Transpersonal Psychology: Answering the Call Within. The possession model of illness is addressed in detail, using both case material and the authorâs own experience, and is compared to Jungâs method of working with the shadow. This is a major characteristic of contemporary Western society and literature, and one which the church, for the most part, has yet to address. for mental health clinicians to gain competency in thinking, nomenological studies of consciousness that decline to com-. This paper was originally presented at the Richardson Research Seminar in the History of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College. In an effort to contribute to this area of study, the authors investigated the relationship between multitype childhood maltreatment and adult spirituality and compared three established methods of assessing the these effects to investigate the degree to which a researcherâs choice of method might affect their findings. 0000002376 00000 n The primary outcome was the Nondual Embodiment Thematic Inventory (NETI). ⢠Religion in the history of psychotherapy. The A/A PSTs desire to teach in a manner that promotes critical thinking and student interpretation of historical events, yet they are indifferent about ubiquity of religion in schools and are nervous about offending students and parents. 0000000656 00000 n As to interpret the personality structure in terms of dynamic aspect of it. The Constitutional Theory (Sheldon). Succinctly stated, faith "has to do with the making, maintenance, and transformation of human meaning" (Fowler, 1986b, p. 15). Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality is designed as a text that reflects this history while illuminating the robust dialogue that continues to … The study compared the effects of participation in an intensive 6-day Ayurveda-based mind-body program that addressed physical, emotional, and spiritual domains as compared with a control condition. This article examines the gradual shift from religiosity to spirituality in India and how it has shaped the Indian mindâs perspective on internal well-being. Setting: ⢠The original dichotomy: mythos versus logos. <<5F13B36CCC8E8E44B6482E2B43ADDBBB>]>> quality of life; Fowler’s work, often considered to be groundbreaking, describes six stages of faith. The past century has seen the relationship between psychology and religion progress from wary antagonists to strange bedfellows to complementary worldviews. For those making a serious study of the history of psychology, Psychology, Religion, and the Nature of the Soul will inspire a fresh wave of critical discussion and inquiry. Graham Richards takes the historical and philosophical long view in these rigorous and readable essays, which trace three long-running and potentially outmoded threads: that psychology and religion are irrelevant to each other, that they are complementary and should collaborate, and that one will eventually replace the other. Whatever the reason for this rising interest, it has become increasingly clear that a culturally attentive psychology must make the distinction that spirituality is a the psychoanalytic, Ericksonian, socio-cognitive, and health/medical approaches. It helps clients feel well and guides choices made throughout life. 0000008461 00000 n How do we know what we know about intuition? Psychology represents the "grounding" effect, in which the mind is used for thinking, rationalizing, and understanding life. What could be the epistemology on intuition as part of spirituality? A Spiritual Strategy for Counseling and Psychotherapy, Second Edition shows mental health professionals how to deal sensitively with clients whose spirituality or religion is an important part of their lives. Topics covered include the soul (psychic being), reincarnation, the chakra system, psychodynamic therapy, ego defenses, positive psychology, CBT, AA, parapsychology, and mind-body medicine. Get an idea of features of people with spirituality and religiousness. Notably different from the distribution of Silverâs national sample of nonbelievers, the nonreligious PSTs were much less engaged in their nonbelief and were more willing to comply with religious activities. Still, the above discussion merely establishes that scien-, new existential and humanistic focus into W, ing/reality or merely a hypothetical target for belief, fective investment that may not exist per se, Buddhism and Hinduism, both of which have developed so-, istic and non-theistic schools of Eastern philosophy, a biologically transformed life form that will, point by positing that both consciousness and biological life, between ego-defensive and ego-transformative spirituality, But the most intimate character of the psychic is its, perhaps to nonlocal effects and quantum theory, sincerely open-minded (and open-hearted) agnostics should, help such individuals worship the God of their understand-. Six stages of faith development is new to the psychology of religion -- S. Freud,.... Phases of coping with breast cancer spirituality can offer data on childhood maltreatment and current spirituality number of important that! 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